Scholarships & Grants

International Funding Opportunities—Search Engines

International Scholarship Search

Lists of grants, scholarships, loan programs, and other information to assist college and university students in their pursuit to study abroad

International Student Scholarship Search Online

Searchable directory of college scholarship programs by country, the field of study or university name. Awards are available to international student and U.S. study abroad students anywhere in the world.

Scholarships for Development (Scholars 4 Dev)

List of science and technology scholarships, grants and fellowships for international students. Search by level of study, by field of study, by place of study, by target group or by the deadline.

Diversity Abroad

Search engine for scholarships using keywords, field of study or country

Scholarship Positions

Locate international scholarships for undergraduate thru postdoctoral applicants, with detailed information about the international grants


List of scholarships opportunities that can be searched by country, subject or program type, as well as a student guide to study abroad and students’ study abroad blogs.

International Education Financial Aid (IEFA)

A database for U.S. and international students wishing to study abroad that ranks international scholarships by field of study, host institution, and country

UNESCO Fellowships Programmes

Enhances human resources, especially in developing countries, in the field of the UNESCO programme priorities with funding sources to develop the activities in North America, Europe or Asia.

International Funding Opportunities—North America

45+ College Scholarships for Minority Students

Published by Purdue University Global, this resource shares financial aid scholarships for future and current students as well as potential graduate students to supplement the cost of education or professional development endeavors.

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program

Awards for U.S. undergraduate students to study abroad

Council of Ministers of Education in Canada

Scholarships for study in Canada for foreigners and abroad for Canadians

Ford Foundation Fellowship Program

Seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity

Fulbright Association

A private nonprofit entity that brings together former Fulbright grantees and partners in the United States and supports lifelong learning, collaborative networking and service projects.

Government of Canada: International Scholarships

Opportunities for study in Canada for foreigners and abroad for Canadians

Institute of International Education (IIE) Funding for U.S. Study

Funding for U.S. Study Online is an extensive database of scholarships, fellowships, and grants maintained by IIE.

International Education Financial Aid

Financial aid, college scholarship and grant information for US and international students wishing to study abroad

International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) through NSF

Supports international research and research-related activities for undergraduate and graduate level U.S. science and engineering students

U.S. Department of Education: Federal Student Aid

Largest provider of student financial aid in the United States

U.S. Department of Education: Federal Student Aid for Non-US Citizens

Largest provider of student financial aid for non-citizens in the United States

International Funding Opportunities—Europe

British Council: Study UK

Opportunities for international students to study in the UK.  Fellowship programs for graduate degrees are offered. Search for scholarship programs by subject, institution, and place of residence.


Prestigious international scholarship and fellowship programs in higher education institutions in the UK for postgraduate students or researchers and mid-career professionals from several countries.

DAAD—German Exchange Service

Information about programs and scholarships to study in Germany

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Scholarships for programs and/or undergraduate, masters, doctoral and postdoctoral studies in Europe in agricultural sciences, engineering, technology, geography, geology, mathematics, computer science, medical sciences, natural sciences and social sciences. 

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain—AECID

Study opportunities in Spain and abroad for foreigners and Spanish nationals. It is a unique program of scholarships for summer courses and annual academic courses. 

Study in Sweden

Information about programs and scholarships to study in Sweden

International Funding Opportunities—Africa, Central and South Asia

Aga Khan Foundation (AKDN)

Limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from select developing countries (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Madagascar and Mozambique) who have no other means of financing their studies in France, Portugal, UK, USA and Canada.

International Funding Opportunities—Latin America

Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación, ANII (Uruguay)

Tools to promote human resources for research and development, including PhD scholarships, national and abroad, and scholarships for short work stays.

Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (Chile)

Provide MSc and PhD scholarships (national and abroad) and support research projects, among other activities.

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Argentina)

Promotes science and technology in Argentina through PhD scholarships (national and abroad) and research projects.  It manages the researcher career in the country, gives prizes, organizes and supports laboratories that work in the Universities and other institutions, etc.

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico of Brazil

Scholarships to study in Brazil and abroad, for Brazilians and foreigners  

El Programa de Becas Académicas de la OEA

Scholarships for graduate study and graduate research at a university or institution of higher education in any of the OAS Member States, for either one or two academic years. 

Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica (Perú)

Offer MSc and PhD scholarships (national and abroad) and support research projects, among other activities

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Scholarships to Latino students, as well as related support services 

Iberoamericana University Foundation: FUNIBER  

Scholarships to study in any of the programs sponsored by FUNIBER. FUNIBER aims to accomplish four fundamental goals: development and promotion of post-graduate degree programs; creation of business training programs; development of international cooperation missions; and establishment of lines of research and innovation projects.

Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Ecuador)

Programs for research projects, MSc and PhD scholarships (national and international), etc.

International Funding Opportunities—Oceania and Asia

Future Unlimited

Scholarships to study in Australia

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

It is designed to enhance cooperation in the global scientific field by funding research and supporting researchers. Students majoring in all forms of science, from social sciences to life sciences, are encouraged to apply.

Singapore International Graduate Awards (SINGA)

PhD training carried out in English at your chosen lab at A*STAR Research Institutes, NTU, NUS and SUTD. Open to all international students with a passion for research and excellent academic results.

Funding for Travel to Conferences

The Royal Society of Chemistry

Grants for travel, events, outreach and research, as well as personal support and guidance

Scholarship and grants for students, researchers, teachers, & scientists to attend seminars, conferences, workshops, meetings, training, international paper presentation

We Make Scholars Blog

Explains procedures for Indians who want to attend international conference with travel grants