Policy Issues

The Materials Research Society (MRS) is an interdisciplinary society whose members worldwide are advancing research and innovation to improve the quality of life.   MRS is dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusivity within the Society itself, and in the scientific and engineering enterprise at-large.  We believe that it is vital to allow scientists and engineers to conduct their critical work and research outside of changing political climates, civil unrest or any other factors that may inhibit the abilities of researchers to globally collaborate and make valued contributions towards improving everyday life for the public at large.

The MRS Government Affairs Committee (GAC) contributes to the development of governmental science and technology policy to advance materials research and innovation by responding to and initiating opportunities to interact with government officials and other organizations on matters of science and technology policy. 

The current economic climate poses many challenges for the materials community, whose research priorities are critically affected by both federal and international mandates. With that in mind, the GAC seeks to provide timely information on emerging public policy issues, federal programs and other activities of importance to its members and others in the materials community.

Below are current issues and communications developed to help advance the policy goals of the materials community. Select each title below to read its description, and click Read More to view the downloadable PDF.


August 2021

Letter to the Office of Science and Technology Policy requesting P-2 Priority designation visas for volunteers and members of global professional societies to facilitate their evacuation from Afghanistan.

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July 2021

Coalition for National Security Research letter shares recommendations for the Defense Science and Technology program

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July 2021

ESC letter requesting the nominee confirmations for the DOE Under Secretary for Science and Director of the Office of Science

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June 2021

FY 2022 recommendations from CNSR on funding levels for the Defense Science and Technology program

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June 2021

Letter requesting appropriations for the National Science Foundation in FY 2022

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April 2021

Letter to the U.S. Senate requesting the National Science Foundation receive appropriations in FY 2022

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April 2021

Letter requesting FY 2022 funding allocation for the Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) Appropriations Subcommittee

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April 2021

Letter from the Energy Sciences Coalition requesting funding allocation for the Energy and Water Development Appropriations bill that takes into account funding to support the DOE Office of Science.

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April 2021

Letter requesting the National Science Foundation receive appropriations in FY 2022

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February 2021

Energy Sciences Coalition Letter urging Congress to appropriate funding for the DOE Office of Science

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January 2021

As Congress develops legislation to implement the \"American Rescue Plan,\" the CNSF encourages relief for the National Science Foundation be included

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December 2020

The Coalition for National Security Research requests funding for the Defense Science and Technology Programs

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December 2020

Letter congratulating Congresswoman DeLauro on her election as the next Chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee.

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December 2020

Letter to Congressional leadership urging swift action to complete work on the FY 2021 appropriations bills.

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Update:  Filed on December 22, 2020, the United States District Court, Northern District of California, San Jose Division granted in part a Nationwide Preliminary Injunction against the Executive Order on race and sex stereotyping.

September 2020

Diversity, Egalitarianism and Inclusion are fundamental values of the Materials Research Society. As an organization, we also stand firm against racism, discrimination and inequality. Because of these beliefs, we are opposed to the Administration’s recently released Executive Order on Race and Sex Stereotyping that would ban the very type of diversity and equality training needed to value the contributions of everyone in the scientific community and to engage all talent to improve the quality of life through scientific discovery.

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August 2020

Letter from CNSR to the U.S. Committee on Armed Services commending its leadership in moving the FY 2021 NDAA through chambers.

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August 2020

Letter to MRS President from U.S. Dept of Homeland Security regarding modifications to the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP).

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June 2020

Letter from MRS President to President Trump on ICE Announcement Regarding International Students

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June 2020

Letter from MRS President to President Trump – Rescind Proclamation Number 152 Suspending Entry of Aliens (visas)

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May 2020

Letter from MRS President to the Department of State—Exception to Action that Suspends Review of Routine Visa Applications

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