Symposium Organizers
Warren MoberlyChan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Hendrik Colijn The Ohio State University
Richard Langford University of Manchester
Ann Marshall Stanford University
LL1: Processing & Fabrication of Devices I
Session Chairs
Monday PM, November 27, 2006
Fairfax B (Sheraton)
11:00 AM - **LL1.1
FIB for Device Fabrication.
John Melngailis 1
1 Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ. Maryland, College Park, Maryland, United States
Show Abstract11:30 AM - **LL1.2
Ion Beam Lithography & Resist Processing for Nanofabrication.
Khalil Arshak 1
1 ECE, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, Ireland
Show AbstractThe International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) identifies the shrinking of lithography critical dimensions (CDs) as one of biggest challenges facing the semiconductor industry as it progresses to smaller geometry nodes. Nanolithography, the patterning of masking CDs below 100nm, enables both nanoscale wafer processing and the exploration of novel nanotechnology applications and devices. Focused Ion Beam (FIB) lithography has significant advantages over alternative nanolithography techniques, particularly when comparing resist selectivity, topography effects, proximity effects and backscattering. FIB lithography uses the implantation of ions, such as Ga+, in its masking process. Ions implanted into resist in this manner typically have shallow penetration depths (<100nm for Ga+), and this would typically require the use of very thin resist layers during processing. This is often incompatible with subsequent fabrication steps such as plasma etching, where thicker resist layers are usually required to facilitate etch selectivity. Top surface imaging (TSI) is a solution to this problem. When compared with conventional microelectronic lithography, nanolithography techniques such as EUV, electron beam and nanoimprint lithography require expensive process equipment and the use of non-standard process materials.The negative resist image by dry etching (NERIME) and 2-step negative resist image by dry etching (2-step NERIME) processes are FIB TSI schemes developed for DNQ/novolak based resists, and involve Ga+ FIB exposure of resist, followed by O2 plasma dry development using reactive ion etching. The NERIME and 2-step NERIME processes use equipment sets and materials commonly found in microelectronic device fabrication (FIB tool, O2 plasma etcher, DNQ/novolak resists), and provide a low-cost and convenient nanolithography option for proof-of-concept nanoscale processing.A successful nanolithography scheme must be capable of patterning nanoscale resist features over substrate topography, while retaining resist profile control and integrating with subsequent plasma etch processing steps that etch various material films such as metals, Si, SiO2, SiN. The NERIME and 2-step NERIME FIB TSI processes have been used to successfully pattern nanoscale (40-90nm) resist features on planar and topography substrates. We have also demonstrated Sub-100nm etched features on topography using the 2-step NERIME process, reporting 80nm Polycide, Ti and TiN etched features that exhibit excellent profiles and minimal line edge roughness.It is expected that the NERIME & 2-step NERIME FIB TSI processes will be further extended to etch sub-40nm features over topography. The nanoscale etched features will be used to explore proof-of-concept geometry shrink & novel structures, with many possible applications, including NEMs and nanosensors research and development.
12:00 PM - LL1.3
Focused Ion Beam Milling for Nanophotonics and Optoelectronics.
Marko Loncar 1 , Federico Capasso 1
1 , Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Show Abstract12:15 PM - LL1.4
FIB-based Fabrication of Active Organic Devices on Scanning Probe Cantilevers.
Kwang Hyup An 1 , Yiying Zhao 2 , Brendan O’Connor 1 , Kevin Pipe 1 , Max Shtein 2
1 Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States, 2 Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
Show Abstract12:30 PM - LL1.5
Ordered Arrays of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles Fabricated by Focused Ion Beam Techniques.
Todd Simpson 1 , Ian Mitchell 1
1 Physics & Astronomy, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Show AbstractLL2: Processing & Fabrication of Devices II
Session Chairs
Khalil Arshak
Warren MoberlyChan
Monday PM, November 27, 2006
Fairfax B (Sheraton)
2:30 PM - **LL2.1
FIB for Surface Plasmon Photonics.
Thomas Ebbesen 1
1 ISIS, Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg France
Show AbstractMaterials structured on the nanometer scale can lead to improved and sometimes surprising properties. Metals are no exception to this rule. Metal particles for instance display colours which vary with their size. The colour results from the coupling of light with the free electrons of the metal particle to form surface plasmons. On a broader level, with modern nanofabrication techniques it is possible to tailor the structure of metals and thereby to control the properties of surface plasmons opening many new possibilities. Focused ion beam has become one of the tools of choice for this purpose. The benefits and some of the associated difficulties will be illustrated in some detail by our own work in surface plasmon photonics.
3:00 PM - **LL2.2
Focused-Ion-Beam Fabrication of Surface-Wave Activated Nanophotonic Devices.
Henri Lezec 1 2
1 , California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, United States, 2 , CNRS, Paris France
Show Abstract3:30 PM - LL2: PFD-2
5:00 PM - LL2.4
Beam-assisted CVD and Feedback Control Realized via a Multiple-Source Gas Injection System.
Thomas Moore 1 , Rocky Kruger 1 , Aaron Smith 1 , Lyudmila Zaykova-Feldman 1 , J. Mark Anthony 2
1 , Omniprobe, Inc., Dallas, Texas, United States, 2 , Elion Systems, Austin, Texas, United States
Show AbstractGas chemistries in the Focused Ion Beam (FIB) microscope play an important role in semiconductor metrology and process control. Important applications of beam-assisted CVD in the FIB include material deposition for sample protection, surface charge reduction, and deposition of metals for FIB circuit-edit. Accurate control of the deposition process is desirable for most of the applications. A multi-source gas injection system (MGIS) was used to introduce a variety of source gases into the FIB for beam-assisted CVD. Different regimes were used to investigate gas chemistry reactions in the vicinity of the surface. The preliminary results show the difference in gas concentrations detected by the RGA while applying different beam intensities for precursor decomposition.
5:15 PM - LL2.5
Chemically Enhanced Focused Ion Beam Selective Patterning of Titanium, Titanium Oxide and Nitride Thin Films.
Andrei Stanishevsky 1 , John Melngailis 2
1 , University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, United States, 2 , University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, United States
Show Abstract
Symposium Organizers
Warren MoberlyChan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Hendrik Colijn The Ohio State University
Richard Langford University of Manchester
Ann Marshall Stanford University
LL3: Biological & Soft Materials Processing & Characterization
Session Chairs
Tuesday AM, November 28, 2006
Fairfax B (Sheraton)
9:30 AM - **LL3.1
High Resolution Investigation Biological Cell Tissue using CrossBeam Technology.
Peter Gnauck 1
1 Nano Technology Systems, Carl Zeiss SMT, Oberkochen Germany
Show Abstract10:00 AM - LL3.2
Focused Ion Beam Techniques for Butterfly Wing Scales Analysis and 3-D Reconstruction.
Katharine Dovidenko 1 , Radislav Potyrailo 1 , Laurie Le Tarte 1
1 , GE Global Research, Niskayuna, New York, United States
Show Abstract10:15 AM - LL3.3
Investigation of the Cell Adhesion on Cell-sensor Hybrid Structures by Focused Ion Beam Technology.
Andreas Heilmann 1 , Frank Altmann 1 , Andreas Cismak 1 , Werner Baumann 3 , Mirko Lehmann 2
1 , Fraunhofer-Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Halle (Saale) Germany, 3 Department of Bioscience and Biophysics, University Rostock, Freiburg Germany, 2 , Micronas GmbH, Freiburg Germany
Show Abstract10:30 AM - **LL3.4
FIB Processing of Apertures for Subwavelength Ultramicroscopy and Biosensing.
Peter Stark 1 , Allison Halleck 1 , Dale Larson 1
1 Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Show AbstractA small array of subwavelength apertures patterned in a gold film on glass was characterized for use as a biosensor. It is widely believed that such arrays allow the resonance of photons with surface plasmons in the metallic film. Surface plasmon methods (and other evanescent wave methods) are extremely well suited for the measure of real time biospecific interactions. An extremely high sensitivity of 88,000%/RIU was measured on an array of active area of .09mm2. The formation of a biological monolayer was monitored. Both sensitivity and resolution were determined through measurement. The measured resolution, for a sensor with an active area of less than 1.5mm2, is 9.4x10-8 RIU which leads to a calculated sensitivity of 3.45E6%/RIU. These values far exceed theoretical and calculated values of other grating coupled surface plasmon resonance (SPR) detectors and prism based SPR detectors. Because the active sensing area can be quite small (.025.mm2) single molecule studies are possible as well as massive multiplexing on a single chip format.
11:30 AM - **LL3.5
Focused Ion Beam Assisted Microfabrication of Multifunctional Scanning Probes and Biosensors.
Boris Mizaikoff 1 , Christine Kranz 1
1 School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Show AbstractRecent developments in combined atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) enable positioning of the micro- and nanoelectrodes independent of the current response during simultaneous high resolution AFM imaging [1]. AFM probes with integrated electrochemical sensing functionality provide a versatile tool for the inherent correlation of structural information with (electro)chemical surface activity at high lateral resolution.Focused ion beam (FIB) assisted microfabrication techniques enable the reproducible integration of ultramicro- and nanoelectrodes into AFM tips for high-resolution electrochemical imaging during recodign of topographical information. Most recently, this technology has facilitated the integration of imaging amperometric micro- and nanbiosensors into AFM probes [2,3]. These advances extend the application of scanning force microscopy to biological systems adding correlated (bio)chemical activity information on the investigated surface to the sample topology [4]. Consequently, the investigation of complex biological processes and biological interactions at a molecular level, e.g. at cell surfaces, is enabled providing simultaneous information on multiple parameters correlated in space and time. [1] C. Kranz, G. Friedbacher, B. Mizaikoff, A. Lugstein, J. Smoliner, E. Bertagnolli, Anal. Chem. 73 (2001) 2491.[2] C. Kranz, A. Kueng, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli, B. Mizaikoff, Ultramicroscopy 100 (2004) 127.[3] A. Kueng, C. Kranz, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli, B. Mizaikoff, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44 (2005), 3419.[4] A. Kueng, C. Kranz, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli, B. Mizaikoff, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 42 (2003) 3237.
12:00 PM - **LL3.6
``Coincidentia oppositorum": Philosophy and Technology in FIB/SEM Applications to Life Sciences.
Marziale Milani 1
1 Materials Science, University Milano Bicocca, Milano, Milano, Italy
Show Abstract12:30 PM - LL3.7
Modification of Polymer Based Optoelectronic Devices by Electron and Ion Beams.
Meltem Sezen 1 , Evelin Fisslthaler 2 , Boril Chernev 1 , Peter Poelt 1 , Elena Tchernychova 1 , Werner Grogger 1 , Emil J.W. List 2
1 Institute for Electron Microscopy, Graz University of Technology, Graz Austria, 2 Institute of Solid State Physics, Graz University of Technology, Graz Austria
Show Abstract12:45 PM - LL3.8
Focused Ion Beam Characterization Techniques: From MEMS Thin Films to Biological Cells and Dental Multilayers.
Yong Yang 1 2 , Nan Yao 2 , Jianbo Chen 1 2 , Xinrui Niu 1 2 , Nima Rahbar 3 2 , Winston Soboyejo 1 2
1 The department of mechanical and aerospace engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, United States, 2 Princeton institute for the science and technoglogy of materials, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, United States, 3 The department of civil and environmental engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, United States
Show AbstractLL4/KK4: Joint Session: TEM Sample Preparation
Session Chairs
Lucille Giannuzzi
Andrew Minor
Tuesday PM, November 28, 2006
Fairfax (Sheraton)
2:30 PM - **LL4.1/KK4.1
Development of a Sample Preparation Method for Three-dimensional Structural and Elemental Analyses of a Specific Site and its Application.
Toshie Yaguchi 1 , Yasushi Kuroda 1 , Mitsuru Konno 1 , Takeo Kamino 1 , Kazutoshi Kaji 2 , Masashi Watanabe 3
1 Naka Application Center, Hitahi High-Technologies Corporation, Hitachinaka-shi, Ibaraki, Japan, 2 Advanced Microscope systems design dept., Hitahi High-Technologies Corporation, Hitachinaka-shi, Ibaraki, Japan, 3 Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States
Show AbstractSince demands for three dimensional structural and elemental analyses using transmission electron microscope (TEM) or scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) are rapidly increasing and the analyses using the sample prepared by the conventional methods are becoming unsuitable for the demands, we developed a new sample preparation method. The instruments used in the method are the FB-2100 focused ion beam (FIB) system equipped with a FIB micro-sampling unit and the HD-2300 dedicated STEM. The sample is extracted from a specific site by the FIB micro-sampling technique and shaped into a pillar in the FIB system. The pillar shaped sample is then transferred to the specially designed specimen holder which allows 360 degree rotation and ± 20 degree tilting of a sample in both the FIB system and the STEM. Since the reduction of FIB damage layer is one of the important issues for high resolution image observation, a low energy Ar ion milling system (GENTLE-MILL HI) was employed in the final stage of a sample preparation. A pillar shaped Si single crystal specimen was Ar ion milled at 200V to remove the FIB damage layer. After the Ar ion milling, the crystal lattice fringes of the Si(110), (100), (1-10) planes are clearly observed. The technique was also applied to a three dimensional elemental distribution of As, Ti and N in a Si-device. Animation of rotation series of X-ray maps were made and it was used to reconstruct tomography demonstrating three dimensional elemental distributions at high precision.
3:00 PM - **LL4.2/KK4.2
Improving Localization and Sample Quality for S/TEM Analysis of Semiconductor Devices.
Richard Young 1
1 , FEI Company, Hillsboro, Oregon, United States
Show Abstract3:30 PM - LL4.3/KK4.3
Site-Specific Investigation of Electrical Failure in Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors by FIB and TEM.
Gai-Ying Yang 1 , Paul Moses 1 , Clive A. Randall 1 , Elizabeth C. Dickey 1
1 , The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, United States
Show Abstract3:45 PM - LL4.4/KK4.4
Focused Ion Beam Study of Ni5Al Single Splat Microstructure.
Yuhong Wu 1 , Meng Qu 1 , Lucille Gianuzzi 2 , Sanjay Sampath 1 , Andrew Gouldstone 1
1 Materials Science and Engineering, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, United States, 2 , FEI Corp, Hillsboro, Oregon, United States
Show AbstractThermally sprayed (TS) coatings are widely used for surface engineering across a range of industries, including aerospace, infrastructure and biomedical. TS materials are formed via the successive impingment, rapid quenching and build-up of molten powder particles on a substrate. The impacted ‘splats’ are thus the fundamental microstructural constituents of the coatings, and their intrinsic properties, as well as intersplat bonding and morphology, dictate coating behavior. Beyond the obvious practical considerations, from a scientific standpoint, splats represent a fascinating template for study, due to the highly non-equilibrium processing conditions (rapid deceleration from sub-sonic velocities, million-degree/sec cooling rates). In the literature, many studies of isolated splats on substrates have been carried out, but these have focused on overall morphology (disc-shape vs fragmented). Direct observations of microstructure, in particular cross-section, are limited in the specimen preparation stage due to splat size (tens of microns in diameter, 1-2 microns in thickness). However, Focused Ion Beam (FIB) techniques have allowed this problem to be addressed in a robust manner; in this talk we will discuss such approaches to observe Ni5Al splats on stainless steel substrates. Cross-sections through the splat and the substrate were created by recourse to ion milling and the ion beam itself provided good channeling contrast for grain imaging. The typical splat microstructure with sub-micron Ni(Al) columnar grains, a chill zone at the bottom and a lift off area is observed in high detail. In addition, an amorphous aluminum oxide top layer of 100-200 nm is partially present on top of the Ni(Al) columnar grains. At the splat/substrate interface, defects such as micro- and nano-scale pores were characterized for the first time and will be discussed. These observations provide insights into splat and interface formation during the deposition process and may drastically improve our current understanding of Ni5Al splat properties.
4:30 PM - **LL4.5/KK4.5
A Comparison of Quantification of Microstructural Features in α/β-Ti alloys using Stereologically-based and Direct Three-dimensional Characterization Techniques.
Hamish Fraser 1
1 , Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States
Show AbstractTraditionally, microstructural features have been characterized by first recording images from two-dimensional (2-D) sections and then using stereological techniques to yield information from these 2-D sections in three-dimensions (3-D). More recently, new instruments such as the dual-beam FIB (DB-FIB) have permitted serial sectioning of samples such that 3-D representations of features may be derived directly. It is important to both validate these new techniques and determine the fidelity of the resulting reconstructions. As part of this validation, the results of materials characterization employing traditional stereological techniques will be compared with those provided by direct 3-D characterization using the DB-FIB. The samples to be characterized are taken from a heat-treatment study of two Ti alloys, namely the binary Ti-xMo system and the α/β alloy Timetal 550 (Ti-4Al-4Mo-1Zr-1Sn, wt%). The samples have been characterized using optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Several of the important microstructural variables that influence mechanical properties (volume fraction α, α-lath thickness (μm), prior β grain factor (μm2/μm3), volume fraction of colony α, and width of grain boundary α), have been quantified using a set of rigorous stereological procedures for two-dimensional images. These features have been characterized in directly in 3-D using serial sectioning in the DB-FIB. The results derived from these two characterization techniques will be compared and contrasted. The validity of the new direct 3-D characterization techniques will be defined.
5:00 PM - LL4.6/KK4.6
FIB Specimen Preparation for TEM Studies of Diamond-SiC Interface Structure.
Joon Seok Park 1 , Robert Sinclair 1 , David Rowcliffe 2 , Margaret Stern 3 , Howard Davidson 4
1 Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States, 2 , Skeleton Technologies, Los Osos, California, United States, 3 , Sun Microsystems, San Diego, California, United States, 4 , Isothermal Research Systems, Mountain View, California, United States
Show Abstract5:15 PM - LL4.7/KK4.7
Focused Ion Beam Processing of Nanocomposite and 3-D Nanostructured Soft Materials.
Steven Kooi 1 , Vahik Krikorian 1 2 , Ji-Hyun Jang 1 2 , Cheong Koh 1 , Edwin Thomas 1 2
1 Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, 2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Show AbstractThe complete structural and compositional characterization of nanocomposite / nanostructured materials by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) methods is commonly hampered by sample preparation issues. When standard TEM sample preparation techniques, namely cryo-microtoming, are applied to nanocomposite materials, they often fail to produce representative samples that are uniform and thin enough to be electron transparent. Microtoming a material composed of hard nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, or clay platelets dispersed in a soft polymer matrix often leads to problems where the hard additive will be pulled out of the soft matrix and/or the soft matrix will be distorted or damaged during the cutting process. In addition, microtoming techniques are not applicable to organic thin films supported on hard substrates. This limits the characterization of supported organic / polymer films as well as organo-electronic devices where the investigation of the interfaces between the polymer and substrate or electrode are of great interest. Microtoming as well as cryo-fracturing techniques are also used in an attempt to prepare samples of internal surfaces that are sufficiently flat enough for phase contrast AFM measurements of their microstructure. However, the microtomed surfaces typically show plastic flow from the cutting process and cryo-fractured surfaces may only be flat in a small fraction of the total surface area.In order to get around the problems mentioned above, we have optimized focused ion beam (FIB) techniques for use with soft materials including nanocomposites and supported organic films to produce both electron transparent and smooth samples for TEM and AFM respectively. As an illustrative test case we have produced multilayered polymer films with alternating layers containing hard nanoparticles supported on a silicon substrate. This type of material can not be microtomed successfully. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), TEM, and AFM measurements will be presented for samples prepared from these multilayered and multicomponent supported films to demonstrate the applicability of FIB processing to soft nanocomposite materials. In addition, results from FIB prepared samples of block-copolymer thin films, clay nanocomposite materials, conducting polymer films, and organo-electronic devices will be presented along with a discussion of possible beam induced damage and gallium contamination during FIB sample preparation.FIB techniques have also been applied to help characterize 3D structured polymeric materials produced by multibeam laser interference lithography techniques. The properties of these structured polymers are highly dependent on the quality of their full three dimensional structure. FIB is used to produce and image multiple consecutive cross sectional samples of these materials and the images are used to reconstruct the overall 3D structure.
5:30 PM - LL4.8/KK4.8
Insights on Nano-oxidation Kinetics by Combined High Resolution Spatial and Spectral Electron Microscopy of the Dynamically Formed Cu2O /Cu Interfaces.
Xuetian Han 1 , Ana Hungria 2 , Jon Barnard 2 , Paul Midgley 2 , Judith Yang 1
1 Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 2 Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge United Kingdom
Show AbstractLL5: Poster Session: FIB Processing and Characterization
Session Chairs
Ann Marshall
Warren MoberlyChan
Wednesday AM, November 29, 2006
Exhibition Hall D (Hynes)
9:00 PM - LL5.1
Reactive Deposition of Dielectrics by Ion Beam Assisted E-beam Evaporation.
Joshua Nightingale 1 , Timothy Cornell 1 , Pavan Samudrala 1 , Praneeta Poloju 1 , Lawrence Hornak 1 , Dimitris Korakakis 1
1 Lane Dept. of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, United States
Show Abstract Nanoscale dielectric films from electron-beam evaporation can be difficult to obtain due to the resulting porosity and poor stoichiometry of the films. An alternative approach is the reactive deposition of the film from a metal source in the presence of oxygen ions. An example of this is the dielectric under study, silicon dioxide, which can be deposited either using silicon dioxide source material or by using silicon source material in the presence of oxygen ions. Using spectroscopic ellipsometry, we have shown that greater control over thickness and index of refraction can be obtained through reactive depositions as compared to depositions from the dielectric source material itself. Through Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), the Si-O in-phase stretching peak at 1078 cm-1 can be traced, allowing us to determine the stoichiometry of the film. Reactive depositions have also allowed for lower surface roughnesses down to approximately 4.0 nm.
The effects of performing depositions of aluminum oxide dielectric source material in the presence of oxygen ions are also being investigated. Despite the fact that this is not a reactive deposition as in the case of the silicon dioxide, greater control over thickness, index of refraction, surface roughness, and film stoichiometry through the use of the ion source has been observed. The effect of varying ion beam parameters such as oxygen flow rate, drive current, and neutralization current on the films’ characteristics will be discussed. Preliminary results indicate that the ion beam drive current and oxygen flow rate significantly affect the optical quality of aluminum oxide waveguides. By controlling these parameters, the aluminum oxide films’ index of refraction can be engineered within a range of 1.58 to 1.65, and waveguide losses can be reduced to as low as 2.0 dB/cm. A nearly linear, increasing relation between ion beam drive current and index of refraction has been observed, with the slope being a function of the oxygen flow rate. The causes for these results will be discussed. It can be speculated that there is an optimal window of ion beam drive current that should be used when depositing aluminum oxide waveguides. For ion beam drive currents below this optimal window, the aluminum oxide films do not guide light well, due to the films’ low density as seen through the index of refraction and possibly due to the films’ high porosity. Conversely, for ion beam drive currents above the optimal window, it has been observed that the elevated energy level of the ion beam creates scattering centers within the film, possibly due to ion damage. The causes for these phenomena will be discussed.
9:00 PM - LL5.2
Discharge Properties of a Micro Plasma Cell with a MgO-NiO Protecting Layer.
Akihiro Nakao 1 , Yoshikazu Tanaka 2 1 , Ari Ide-Ektessabi 3
1 Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto-city Japan, 2 Kyoto Thin-Film Materials Institute, Design and Development Center, Sanwa Kenma, Ltd., Uji-city, Kyoto, Japan, 3 International Innovation Center, Kyoto University, Kyoto-city Japan
Show Abstract9:00 PM - LL5.3
The Effect on AFM Image Resolution by Focus-Ion-Beam Tip Fabrication and Modification.
Chien-Ying Su 1 , S. Cheng 1 , Y. Lin 1 , M. Shiao 1 , J. Chen 1 , J. Kao 1
1 , Instrument Technology Research Center, National Applied Research Laboratories, Hsinchu City Taiwan
Show Abstract Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has taken on greater importance with the growing demand of high-resolution inspection and rapid developments in nanotechnology. Its capabilities for surface analysis down to the atomic levels have made it indispensable in this field. In order to reduce the image distortions associated with the shapes and geometries of the conventional probe, sharp probes with high aspect ratio are required for imaging. The focus-ion-beam (FIB) fabrications of a metal-probe and milling of a silicon-probe cantilever for atomic force microscopy are reported. Characterization of the probe apex by transmission electron microscope (TEM) revealed that the radius of curvature is in the range of 5-10 nm. The length of the FIB fabricated metal-probe reaches 3 μm and aspect ratio is better than 10:1. The diameter of this type of metal-probe is less than 50 nm at the distance of 500 nm from the apex. The conventional silicon probe is typically around 1.87:1. The changes caused by the attachment of the metal-probe in the resonance frequency and the quality factor are proven to be small. The performance remains unaffected to the AFM imaging. Experiments employing the fabricated AFM probes demonstrate the capability of producing high-resolution images and improved structural profiling of steep sidewalls due to their sharp apex and high aspect ratio. In various occasions, a sharp metal tip with high aspect ratio is preferred as a probe. One of the cases is applied to the conducting atomic force microscopy (CAFM). Sharp metal-tips may achieve lateral resolution in current images less than 10 nm and they are superior to conventional conductive probes where the radius of curvature of conventional probes are typically around 30 nm due to additional metal coatings. And this is one of the main causes of resolution limitation.
9:00 PM - LL5.4
Near-Field Optical Probe Encircled with Sub-Wavelength Patterns.
Eun-Kyoung Kim 1 , Sung-Q Lee 1 , Seung Eon Moon 1 , Kang-Ho Park 1
1 IT Convergence & Components Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon Korea (the Republic of)
Show Abstract9:00 PM - LL5.5
Direct Focused Ion Beam Drilling of Nanopores.
Nick Patterson 1 , V. Hodges 1 , Michael Vasile 1 , Zhu Chen 2 , David Adams 1 , Jeff Brinker 1 2
1 , Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States, 2 , University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Show Abstract9:00 PM - LL5.6
Fabrication of Sub-250nm High Aspect Ratio Apertures by Focused Ion Beam Lithography.
Todd Simpson 1 , Ian Mitchell 1
1 Physics & Astronomy, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Show Abstract9:00 PM - LL5.7
Probe Tip Replacement System inside the FIB.
Gonzalo Amador 1 , Lyudmila Zaykova-Feldman 1 , Thomas Moore 1
1 , Omniprobe, Inc., Dallas, Texas, United States
Show AbstractThe in-situ lift-out method for TEM sample preparation, based on the use of a chamber-mounted nanomanipulator and FIB induced material deposition, has proven its effectiveness over the last several years. The time-efficiency introduced by this method is one reason for its success and rapid adoption within the semiconductor industry. Improvements to in-situ TEM sample lift-out preparation have been pursued to further improve sample processing time. One area targeted has involved methods to prevent purging the system during probe tip replacement. This paper describes an in-situ probe tip replacement system that successfully solves this problem. Several modifications are analyzed, and the system based on the “collared” probe tip is shown to be the most efficient.
9:00 PM - LL5.8
The Cluster Sputtering of Low Temperature B Doped SiC under Cesium Ion Bombardment.
Bakhtiyar Atabaev 1 , Ruzmat Djabbarganov 1 , Nilufar Saidkhanova 1 , Firuza Yuzikaeva 1 , Ilkham Atabaev 2 , Tojiddin Soliev 2 , Nuriddin Matchanov 2 , Tin Chin-Che 3
1 Laboratory of Electron and Ion Processes on Surface, Arifov Institute of Electronics, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent Uzbekistan, 2 , Physical-technical Institute, Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent Uzbekistan, 3 , Auburn University, Auburn, Florida, United States
Show Abstract9:00 PM - LL5.9
In-situ Manipulation and Characterization of Single Nanowire and Nanotube by Using Focused Ion Beam Equipped with Nanomanipulator.
Dongkyu Cha 1 , Bongki Lee 1 , Robert Wallace 1 , Bruce Gnade 1 , Moon Kim 1 , Jiyoung Kim 1
1 MSE, university of texas at dallas, Richardson, Texas, United States
Show Abstract
Symposium Organizers
Warren MoberlyChan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Hendrik Colijn The Ohio State University
Richard Langford University of Manchester
Ann Marshall Stanford University
LL6/N10: Joint Session: Nanoscale Self Assembly by FIB: Theory and Applications
Session Chairs
Harley Johnson
Richard Langford
Wednesday AM, November 29, 2006
Room 209 (Hynes)
9:30 AM - **LL6.1/N10.1
Nanoscale Morphology Control Using Ion Beams.
Michael Aziz 1
1 Div. Engrg. & Appl. Sci., Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Show AbstractLow energy ion irradiation of a solid surface can be used to control surface morphology on length scales from 1 micron to 1 nanometer. Focused or unfocused ion irradiation induces a spontaneous self-organization of the surface into nanometer-sized ripples,dots, or holes; it also induces diameter increases and decreases in a pre-existing nanopore by a tradeoff between sputter removal of material and stimulated surface mass transport. Experiments will be reviewed that illuminate the kinetics of evolution of the surface morphological instability; the influence of initial and boundary conditions on guiding the self-organization; the development of shock fronts that sharpen features at sufficiently steep angles; and the kinetics governing the fabrication of nanopores for single-biomolecule detectors.
10:00 AM - LL6.2/N10.2
Surface Modification Energized by FIB: The Influence of Etch Rates & Aspect Ratio on Ripple Wavelengths.
Warren MoberlyChan 1
1 Chemistry and Materials Science, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, United States
Show AbstractIon beams have been used to modify surface topography, producing nanometer-scale ripples that have potential uses ranging from designing self-assembly structures, to controlling stiction of micromachined surfaces, to providing imprint templates for patterned media. Modern computer-controlled Focused Ion Beam tools enable alternating submicron patterned zones of such ion-roughened surfaces, as well as dramatically increasing the rate of ion beam processing. The DualBeam FIB/SEM also expedites process development while minimizing the use of materials that may be precious (Diamond) and/or produce hazardous byproducts (Beryllium). A FIB engineer can prototype a 3-by-3-by-3 matrix of variables in tens of minutes and consume only nanoliters of material; whereas traditional ion beam processing would require tens of days and tens of precious wafers. Saturation wavelengths have been reported for ripples on materials such as single crystal diamond or silicon; however this work exhibits wavelengths in excess of 400nm on diamond. Conversely, Be can provide a stable and ordered 2-dimensional array of <40nm periodicity. Rippling is not only a function of material, ion beam, and angle, but also is shown to be controlled by chemical environment, etch rate, and aspect ratio. Ideally a material exhibits a constant yield (atoms sputtered off per incident ion); however, pragmatic FIB processes, coupled with the direct metrological feedback in a DualBeam tool, reveal etch rates do not remain constant. Control of rippling requires controlled metrology, and robust software tools are developed to enhance metrology. In situ monitoring of the influence of aspect ratio and redeposition at the micron scale provide correlations to the rippling fundamentals that are controlled at the nanometer scale and by the boundary conditions of FIB processing.This work was performed under the auspices of the United States Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories under contract of No. W-7405-Eng-48.
10:15 AM - **LL6.3/N10.3
FIB Precise Prototyping and Simulation.
Philipp Nellen 1 , Victor Callegari 1 , Jurgen Hofmann 1 , Elmar Platzgummer 2 , Samuel Kvasnica 2
1 Electronics/Metrology, EMPA, Duebendorf Switzerland, 2 , IMS Nanofabrication GmbH, Vienna Austria
Show Abstract10:45 AM - LL6.4/N10.4
Formation and Ordering of Ga Droplet Arrays using Focused Ion Beam Irradiation.
Benjamin Cardozo 1 , Weifeng Ye 1 , John Mansfield 2 , Rachel Goldman 1
1 Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States, 2 Electron Microbeam Analysis Laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
Show Abstract11:00 AM - LL6/N10: Nano
11:30 AM - **LL6.5/N10.5
Focused Ion Beam Templating Of Epitaxial Growth.
Robert Hull 1 , Jennifer Gray 1 , Alain Portavoce 2 , Martin Kammler 3 , Frances Ross 4 , Jerry Floro 5
1 Materials Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, 2 , L2MP-CNRS, Marseille France, 3 , Infineon Technologies, Dresden Germany, 4 , IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, New York, United States, 5 , Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Show AbstractWe show that focused ion beam (FIB) patterning of Si(100)surfaces can be used to control the subsequent nucleation of epitaxial Ge(Si) nanostructures. The interaction of FIB Ga ions with the Si surface modifies local topography, chemistry, crystallinity, strain and reactivity. We show how control of these phenomena allows arrays of nanostructures to be grown in patterns of arbitrary complexity with nanoscale precision in the location of each nanostructure.We describe two main approaches to these “nano-templating” methods. The first comprises growth of Ge quantum dots on FIB-modified Si(100) surfaces in a unique instrument that combines chemical vapor deposition, transmission electron microscopy and FIB sputtering in a UHV environment. In this configuration, we show that one Ge quantum dot (QD) can be localized to each FIB implant spot, under conditions where the ion dose within each feature is relatively low (~ 10e14 / cm2). At these low doses, less than a monolayer of Si is expected to be sputtered from each feature. However, we show that while surface chemistry and reactivity do affect the geometry and growth rate of the Ge quantum dots, it is a subtle surface topography that localizes the QD nucleation to the implant features. We observe that during post implant annealing (designed to recover surface crystallinity prior to epitaxial Ge deposition), a transient and subtle surface morphology appears within each feature, comprising a nanoscale annular depression ~ 0.5 nm deep that subsequently sharpens to a single pit and then disappears with further annealing. If the annealing is interrupted prior to disappearance of this topography, then QDs localize to the implanted features. If the topography disappears, then localization does not occur.In the second approach we localize “quantum dot molecules” (QDMs) into patterns of any desired symmetry. The QDM is a four-fold quantum dot structure bound by a central pit that occurs intrinsically during growth of GeSi/Si(100) heterostructures under conditions of limited adatom mobility, as we have previously reported. By patterning of Si(100) surfaces prior to surface cleaning and GeSi alloy deposition, the pits that nucleate each QDM can be individually positioned. The growth of the subsequent QDM array depends upon the pit dimensions, Si buffer layer thickness and GeSi alloy layer thickness and composition, but we demonstrate that we can effectively locate one QDM to each initial FIB pit.These approaches allow nanostructure arrays of any desired symmetry to be fabricated, with control over multiple length scales. This is key to exploring QD nanoelectronic architectures. This work also shows how the low throughput generally associated with FIB fabrication may be overcome by using the FIB for templating of subsequent growth, reaction or processing: in this example we can seed nanostructure growth sites at a rate of at least 10e4/sec.
12:00 PM - LL6.6/N10.6
Growth Mechanism of Indium Nanowire Induced by Focused Ion Beam Irradiation.
Do Hyun Kim 1 , Seung Soo Oh 1 , Hee-Suk Chung 1 , Euijoon Yoon 1 , Kyu Hwan Oh 1
1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul Korea (the Republic of)
Show Abstract12:15 PM - LL6.7/N10.7
Self-Assembled Wrinkling on Polymer Substrates Induced by Focused Ion Beam Irradiation.
Myoung-Woon Moon 1 , SangHoon Lee 2 , Jeong-Yun Sun 2 , Kyu Hwan Oh 2 , Ashkan Vaziri 1 , John Hutchinson 1
1 Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, 2 School of Material Sci & Eng, Seoul Natl Univ, Seoul Korea (the Republic of)
Show AbstractIn this presentation, we demonstrate a method to create self-assembled wrinkles on polymer substrates by focused ion beam (FIB) irradiation. The wrinkles were generated on confined surface areas of a flat polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) upon FIB irradiation. The FIB of 30-keV gallium ion was rastered over rectangular regions with various areas, while the fluence of the beam was varied between 1013 and 1015 ions/cm2. Upon exposure of the PDMS to FIB, a stiff skin formed on the surface of the PDMS due to alteration in polymeric bonding. The tendency of this stiff skin to expand in the direction perpendicular to the direction of ion beam irradiation induces a compressive strain in the skin. The induced biaxial stress in the stiff skin leads to formation of wrinkles on the exposed area. We examined the chemical composition of the area exposed to FIB along depth using a TEM/EELS system to determine the composition and thickness of the generated stiff skin on PDMS. The induced stress, according to various ion fluences, is estimated by measurement of the wrinkling amplitude using Atomic Force Microscope. We studied the critical condition associated with the onset of surface wrinkling formation by changing the current and area of exposure. Various wrinkling patterns induced by FIB irradiation were explored including straight shape, herringbone and highly nonlinear hierarchical patterns.
12:30 PM - LL6.8/N10.8
Ion Beam Projection Techniques For Locally Modifying Phase Transformation Properties In Shape Memory Alloys.
Yves Bellouard 1 , Yogesh Karade 1 , Andreas Dietzel 1 , Wilhelm Bruenger 2 , Xi Wang 3 , Joost Vlassak 3
1 Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven Netherlands, 2 ISIT, Fraunhofer Institute , Itzehoe Germany, 3 Division of Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Show Abstract12:45 PM - LL6.9/N10.9
Fabrication of Sub-micron thick Solid Oxide Fuel Cells using a Focused Ion Beam.
Jeremy Cheng 1 , Hong Huang 2 , Fritz Prinz 2 1
1 Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States, 2 Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Show AbstractSolid oxide fuel cells (SOFC’s) are high temperature electrochemical devices based on a ceramic, oxygen conducting electrolyte such as Yttria-stabilized Zirconia (YSZ). The conductivity of the electrolyte membrane as well as the performance of the electrode catalyst can be strongly affected by ion irradiation. Irradiation of the electrolyte with a high dose of ions such as Ar+ will produce a dense dislocation network with as many as 10^12 dislocations/cm^2. The irradiated region is limited to a depth of about 150nm from the surface of the electrolyte. In order to measure the effect of these dislocations on the oxygen conductivity, the electrolyte thickness must be on the same order of magnitude as the irradiation depth.
Furthermore, the conductivity changes from these dislocations may be difficult to distinguish from grain boundary effects in a polycrystalline material; ideally the electrolyte should be single crystal or an epitaxial thin film. YSZ can be deposited epitaxially onto a silicon substrate, but silicon diffuses readily into the YSZ forming a zirconate that precludes conductivity and fuel cell measurements.
A novel technique has been developed using a Dual-beam system to produce sub-micron, freestanding membranes from single-crystal material. In-situ Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) was used to measure the membrane thickness and uniformity. The membranes were larger than 50x50 μm, pinhole free and gas-tight. Cells were tested both with and without a heavy dose of Ar ion irradiation. After membrane fabrication, a porous platinum catalyst was sputtered on both sides and the cells were run with pure H2 and air. Fuel cell I-V curves were measured as low as 300°C
LL7: 3D Characterization of Materials
Session Chairs
Hendrik Colijn
Joseph Michael
Wednesday PM, November 29, 2006
Fairfax B (Sheraton)
2:30 PM - **LL7.1
FIB Sample Preparation: How to Get the Most Data from the Smallest Amount of Sample.
Joseph Michael 1 , Joseph Goldstein 2 , Paul Kotula 1
1 Materials Characterization, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States, 2 Mechanical and Industrial Eng, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, United States
Show Abstract3:00 PM - LL7.2
An Introduction to the Helium Ion Microscope.
John Notte 1 , Nick Economou 1 , Raymond Hill 1 , Bill Ward 1
1 , ALIS Corporation, Peabody, Massachusetts, United States
Show AbstractA microscope technology which is based on a scanning helium ion beam has been developed at ALIS Corporation. This new microscope has several advantages over traditional FIBs and SEMs. The advantages include a sub-nanometer probe size, narrow interaction volume, and several novel contrast mechanisms.The helium ion beam can be focused to a spot size which can be as small as ¼ nm. In part, this small probe size is achieved because the helium ions are much less affected by diffraction effects – which otherwise limit the probe size of the electron beam in the SEM. Also, the helium ion source has brightness of 4x10^9 Amp/cm^2 sr. This is a factor of 30X better than a Schottky electron source, and 500X better than a gallium LMIS. In addition, the helium ion beam has an energy spread (ΔE/E) which is much smaller than the corresponding value for a SEM or FIB, so chromatic aberrations are reduced. For these combined reasons it is possible to focus the helium ion beam to a spot as small as ¼ nm. Once the focused helium ion beam strikes the sample, it traverses deep within the sample before diverging. So the sample interaction at the surface is quite narrow – as small as the probe size. In comparison, SEMs typically have a large interaction volume near the surface, and the backscattered electrons (BSEs) liberate secondary electrons (SE2s) from a surface region which is considerably larger than the probe size. Similarly, with a gallium ion beam, many SEs are actually produced from recoils within the excitation volume which is much larger than the probe size at the surface. The incident helium ions produce a variety of particles which are used to generate images. Most commonly, the image is constructed from the collected secondary electrons. Each incident helium ion produces between 2 and 8 secondary electrons, so images can be attained with very low beam currents. These images reveal a wider range of grey levels than can be attained with the SEM. The SE images from the helium ion microscope are also more sensitive to surface chemistry and thin films, since there is negligible deeper information from the SE2 contribution. The SE images offer topographic contrast mechanisms similar to a SEM which makes these images easy to interpret. In addition to the SE’s, the incident ions can also scatter off of heavier atoms in the sample, and their abundance, recoil angle, and energy can provide material specific information uniquely different from the SE images. In summary, the newly developed helium ion microscope is an imaging technology which is superior to the traditional FIBs or SEMs. The advantageous properties of the helium ion source allows the beam to be focused to a sub-nanometer spot size. Because of the small interaction volume, the images offer sub-nanometer resolution. And the novel contrast mechanisms produce images which are rich in surface information and material information.
3:15 PM - LL7.3
Focused-Ion Beam Induced Lattice Damage in Structured InGaN/GaN Layers on Sapphire Substrate.
Rozaliya Barabash 1 2 , G. Ice 1 , W. Liu 3 , R. Kröger 4 , H. Lohmeyer 4 , K. Sebald 4 , J. Gutowski 4 , T. Böttcher 4 , D. Hommel 4
1 Materials Science and Technology Div., Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge , Tennessee, United States, 2 Center for Materials Processing, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, United States, 3 , Advanced Photon Source, Argonne, Illinois, United States, 4 Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Bremen, Bremen Germany
Show AbstractFocused-ion beam (FIB) etching is a promising technique for the realization of novel micro- and nanostructured optoelectronic devices, especially for the important nitride material system [1] suffering from a limited applicability of conventional etching techniques. For the nitrides there are only few reports with respect to possible ion damage induced by FIB affecting the structural integrity and optical properties of the samples. In this study the results of polychromatic X-ray microbeam analysis (PXM) of the structural changes caused by FIB in nitride heterostructures are presented and discussed in connection with micro-photoluminescence (µ-PL) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) data.Using an FEI Nova 200 NanoLab FIB system reference structures have been prepared in samples consisting of InGaN/GaN multi quantum wells grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy on GaN on sapphire templates. Each structure consists of several trenches typically 2 µm wide and 20 µm long with varying distances between the trenches. Trenches were etched down to the sapphire substrate using 30 keV Ga-ions and different ion-beam currents varying from 300 pA to 7 nA. Results from samples with and without a 100 nm SiO2 protection layer are compared. The µ-PL analysis reveals a fatal surface damage on a large scale when working on unprotected samples. For protected samples a decrease in the PL intensity is found only in the immediate vicinity of the trenches. For PXM measurements the microbeam was scanned parallel to the trenches structured in the InGaN/GaN layer with FIB. Laue patterns were recorded at 50 different sample positions. Due to the small size of the microbeam (0.5 µm) it was possible to obtain spatially resolved data from different locations around the trenches. Because the high-energy (8-25 keV) x-ray beam penetrates through the InGaN/GaN and probes the sapphire substrate as well, they both contribute to the observed Laue patterns. The sapphire reflections do not change position with sample translation. They were used as a reference to determine the change in orientation of the InGaN/GaN layer relative to the substrate. The PXM results show that FIB etching distorts the lattice in the InGaN/GaN layer not only in the immediate trench region but in the surrounding area as well. Lattice planes become curved with curvature radius dependent on the distance from the trench, FIB current and the capping layer.The observed lattice distortion is caused by a severe microstructural change which was analyzed using TEM. The TEM analyses in the vicinity of the trenches shows a high density of dislocations and an amophidized layer on top, which could be due to direct surface damage by the FIB beam or redeposition. [1] H. Lohmeyer et al., Eur. Phys. J. B 48, 291 (2005).
3:30 PM - **LL7.4
Contrast Mechanisms and Three Dimensional Imaging Associated with Dual Focused Ion and Electron Beam Instrumentation.
Eric Lifshin 1 , J. Evertsen 1
1 Nanoscale Science & Engineering, University at Albany, Albany, New York, United States
Show AbstractCombined focused ion beam (FIB) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) instruments offer great promise for obtaining three dimensional (3D) images of fine microstructures. The technique involves reassembling data collected from a series of SEM images obtained while a FIB ion beam mills through a structure of interest. Typically the FIB removes a rectangular volume of material with dimensions of a few microns or less on each side. The amount of material removed with each slice is about 20 nm or so thick limiting the “z” resolution obtainable while that in the freshly exposed surface (x-y plane) may be better than 2 nm. Several hundred slices may be collected to obtain useful 3D images. The signal for each picture element, or voxel, of the data cube created may include secondary and backscattered electron emission, x-ray spectra or mass spectra of sputtered ions. The signal to noise ratio of each emission as well as the associated resolution will depend on a number of factors including instrument operating conditions as well as the selection of detectors. Once collected, data can be presented in a number of ways including 3D images of selected features and slices through arbitrary sections. This paper will illustrate the value of this technique in the examination of microelectronic devices and explore the factors that ultimately determine the resolution of the technique.
4:30 PM - **LL7.5
Some Applications of the FIB to Probe the Structure and Properties of Materials.
Robert Sinclair 1 , Kyunghoon Min 2 , Joon Seok Park 1
1 Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States, 2 , Spansion Inc., Stanford, California, United States
Show Abstract5:00 PM - LL7.6
3D EBSD Characterization of a Nanocrystalline NiCo Alloy by use of a High-resolution Field Emission SEM-EBSD Coupled with Serial Sectioning in a Focused Ion Beam Microscope (FIB).
Alice Bastos 1 , Stefan Zaefferer 1 , Dierk Raabe 1
1 , Max-Planck-Institut, Duesseldorf Germany
Show AbstractA Cobalt-20wt.% Nickel polycrystal produced by electrodeposition has been investigated in planar and cross sections using a high resolution scanning electron microscope. The local texture, grain size, amount of phase and grain boundaries, were characterized by a 3D Electron Backscatter Diffraction technique (EBSD). The set-up consists of a joint high-resolution field emission SEM-EBSD set-up coupled with serial sectioning in a focused ion beam (FIB) system in the form of a cross-beam 3D crystal orientation microscope (3D EBSD).
5:15 PM - **LL7.7
Shadow FIBing -- Using Geometry to Improve Efficiency and Prepare Difficult Samples.
Andrew Minor 1
1 NCEM, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, United States
Show Abstract
Symposium Organizers
Warren MoberlyChan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Hendrik Colijn The Ohio State University
Richard Langford University of Manchester
Ann Marshall Stanford University
LL8: Mechanical Properties and MEMS
Session Chairs
Hendrik Colijn
Julia Greer
Thursday AM, November 30, 2006
Fairfax B (Sheraton)
9:30 AM - **LL8.1
Mechanical Property Evaluation at the Micro-scale Using FIB Fabrication Methods.
Michael Uchic 1 , Dennis Dimiduk 1 , Robert Wheeler 2 , Paul Shade 3 , Hamish Fraser 3
1 , Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio, United States, 2 , UES, Inc., Dayton, Ohio, United States, 3 , The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States
Show Abstract10:00 AM - LL8.2
Indentation-induced Damage Mechanisms in Germanium.
David Oliver 1 , Jodie Bradby 1 , Jim Williams 1 , Michael Swain 2 , Damien McGrouther 3 , Paul Munroe 3
1 Electronic Materials Engineering, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia, 2 Oral Science Department, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Otago, Dunedin New Zealand, 3 Electron Microscope Unit, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Show Abstract10:15 AM - LL8.3
Effective Use of Focused Ion Beam (FIB) in Investigating Fundamental Mechanical Properties of Metals at the Sub-Micron Scale.
Julia Greer 1 2 , William Nix 2
1 Electronic Materials and Devices Laboratory, Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, California, United States, 2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Show AbstractRecent advances in the 2-beam focused ion beams technology has enabled researchers to not only perform high-precision nanolithography and micro-machining, but also to apply these novel fabrication techniques to investigating a broad range of materials’ properties at the sub-micron and nano-scales. In our work, the FIB is utilized in manufacturing of sub-micron cylinders, or nano-pillars, as well as of TEM cross-sections to directly investigate plasticity of metals at these small length scales. Gold nano-pillars, ranging in diameter between 200 nm and several micrometers were fabricated from bulk gold and epitaxial gold films on MgO substrates and subsequently compressed using a Nanoindenter fitted with a custom-fabricated diamond flat punch. We show convincingly that fundamental mechanical properties like flow stress, yield strength, and stiffness strongly depend on the sample size, as some of our smaller specimens were found to plastically deform in uniaxial compression at stresses as high as 800 MPa, a value ~50 times higher than for bulk gold. We believe that these high strengths are hardened by dislocation starvation. In this mechanism, once the sample is small enough, the mobile dislocations have a higher probability of annihilating at a nearby free surface than of multiplying and being pinned by other dislocations. Therefore, plasticity is accommodated by the nucleation and motion of new dislocations rather than by interactions of existing dislocations, as is the case for bulk crystals. To validate this mechanism, direct observation of dislocations was accomplished by utilizing the Omniprobe micromanipulator, coupled with FIB-milling and Pt deposition, for fabrication of site-specific TEM specimens. Preliminary TEM images show the lack of mobile dislocations in deformed pillars, which agrees with the proposed dislocation starvation mechanism, as discussed.
10:30 AM - LL8.4
Evaluation of Local Hardness on Single Phase and Precipitation of API Sour X65 and X120 Steel Using in-situ Nano-indentation in the FIB/SEM system.
SangHoon Lee 1 , Do Hyun Kim 1 , Kwang Kyun Kim 2 , Ki Bong Kang 2 , Myoung-Woon Moon 3 , Heung Nam Han 1 , Kyu Hwan Oh 1
1 school of materials science & engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul Korea (the Republic of), 2 Technical Research Lab, POSCO, Pohang Korea (the Republic of), 3 Div. of Engineering and Applied sciences, Harvard Universuty, cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Show Abstract10:45 AM - LL8.5
Microscale Mechanical Behavior of Bulk Metallic Glasses.
Ashwini Bharathula 1 , Katherine Flores 1 , Michael Uchic 2
1 Materials Science and Engineering, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States, 2 Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio, United States
Show Abstract11:30 AM - LL8.6
Characterization of Fatigue Mechanisms in Ni-Based Superalloys using Selectively Extracted TEM Foils.
Clarissa Yablinsky 1 , Raymond Unocic 1 , James Williams 1 , Katharine Flores 1 , Michael Mills 1
1 Materials Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States
Show AbstractBetter microstructure and deformation mechanism-sensitive models for fatigue damage accumulation in nickel-base superalloys will allow more accurate prediction of engine component lifetimes. The local deformation mechanisms and the attendant accumulated damage during cyclic loading are being studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of thin foils selectively extracted from the fatigue crack initiation sites using focused ion beam (FIB) techniques. In this study, low cycle fatigue tests were performed on a polycrystalline Ni-based superalloy used in turbine disks. Test specimens were fatigued in strain control over a range of temperatures. Failure was characterized by the formation of single or multifaceted initiation sites on the fracture surface. Foils were extracted in situ from both internal and surface initiation sites using an Omniprobe, then examined in the TEM. Differences between the deformation mechanisms active within the bulk and at the initiation site were characterized. Possible artifacts associated with the FIB sample processing will be described.
11:45 AM - LL8.7
Micromechanical testing of FIB-machined Cantilever Beams.
David Armstrong 1 , Abdul Haseeb 2 , Steve Roberts 1 , Angus Wilkinson 1 , Klaus Bade 2
1 Department Of Materials, Oxford University, Oxford United Kingdom, 2 Institute of Micro-Technology, Karlsruhe Research Centre, Karlsruhe Germany
Show AbstractRecent advances in specimen preparation techniques - Focussed ion–beam machining (FIB) - and in nanoindentation instruments - the facility to use indenter tips as contact-mode atomic-force microscopes, and the facility to test to loads up to ~1kg - have opened up considerable possibilities for developing test methods free from the restrictions inherent in nanoindentation testing. Test specimens can be cut by FIB from thin films or from bulk specimens to produce single crystal test specimens, or specimens containing well-characterised boundaries. Micro-cantilever beams (15mm x 5mm x 4mm) were manufactured using a FIB from single crystal copper and iron and polycrystalline Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta alloy (Gum metal). In the Ti-Nb-Zr-Ta beams were placed inside single grains and orientations measured using EBSD. The microbeams were deflected using a nanoindenter. Resultant stress-strain curves were analysed both by simple beam theory and by using Finite Element Analysis models of the micro-cantilever beams, to give elastic modulus and yield stress data and their variation with crystallographic orientation.Micro-cantilever beams (about 10 µm x 20 µm x 60 µm) of Ni-W alloy fabricated by lithography and electrodeposition were notched at their base using a FIB, which produced precracks about 1-3 µm deep, 125nm wide. These microbeams were then fractured using a nanoindenter and the resultant fracture loads used via Finite element analysis models of the beams to calculate fracture toughness values.
12:00 PM - **LL8.8
MEMS by FIB Milling and Deposition
Toshiaki Fujii 1 , Koji Iwasaki 1 , Masanao Munekane 1 , Yo Yamamoto 1 , Toshitada Takeuchi 1 , Masakatsu Hasuda 1 , Yutaka Ikku 1 , Hiromi Tashiro 1 , Tatsuya Asahata 1 , Masahiro Kiyohara 1 , Takashi Kaito 1
1 , SII NanoTechnology Inc., Oyama-cho, Sunto-gun, Shizuoka, Japan
Show AbstractFocused Ion Beam (FIB) system is equipment used to make a wide variety of small structures of various materials by irradiating focused gallium ion beam to a surface of specimens and by utilizing spattering etching and ion beam induced deposition.In order to realize greater diversity of structures with using the FIB system, we developed(i)a built-in pattern signal generator(ii)the technology of making 3D structures by using gas assist etching(iii)the technology of making 3D structures by using ion beam induced deposition(iv)a precision wheel stage to be used in the FIB system.These technologies are working on the latest FIB system. Ion beam diameter is 4nm with acceleration voltage 30kV. Beam current is controlled from 0.15pA to 20nA. These performances contribute to study 3D structures fabrication and modification.
12:30 PM - LL8.9
Development of Hybrid MEMS/FIB Processes and Applications of Three-pronged Active Nanotweezers For Manipulation of Nano Objects.
Shifeng Li 1 , Chang Liu 1
1 Micro and Nanotechnology Lab, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, United States
Show Abstract12:45 PM - LL8.10
Challenges Associated with Accurate Focused Ion Beam Sculpting of Curved Shape Features in Metals and Amorphizable Solids.
David Adams 1 , Michael Vasile 1 , Kim Archuleta 1
1 , Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Show Abstract