2022 MRS Fall Meeting Highlights
The MRS Conference is coming to a close. Soon, everyone will head back home to put what they’ve learned to practice. But, MRS TV is still here with one more episode packed full of insight into the most exciting topics in materials science.
In today's episode:
Plus, features on top researchers from around the world: Indiana University Bloomington, NSF DMREF Project on Designing Optical Materials with Small-Molecule Ionic Isolation Lattices Center for Research Excellence on Dynamically Deformed Solids at Texas A&M University
EN01—Redox Flow Batteries—Materials, Methods and Devices
EN02—Halide Perovskite Materials, Processing and Devices
EN03—Beyond Li-Ion Batteries—Low Cost Alternatives Based on Other Chemistries
EN04—Advances in the Fundamental Understanding of Halide Perovskites
EN05—Solid-State Batteries—Life, Safety and Scalability
EN06—Silicon for Photovoltaics
EQ01—Progress in Thermoelectrics—From Traditional to Novel Materials
EQ02—Emerging Materials for Light-Based Quasiparticles, Mie-tronics and Metasurfaces
EQ03—Plasmonics, Nanophotonics and Metamaterials—From Design to Applications
EQ04—Emerging Chalcogenide Electronic Materials—Theory to Applications
EQ05—Contacts and Interfaces in Optoelectronic Devices
EQ07—Diamond Electronics, Devices and Sensors—From Synthesis to Applications
EQ08—Higher-Order Topological Structures in Real Space—From Charge to Spin
EQ09—Emergent Materials for Low Power Electronics
EQ10—Phase-Change Materials for Brain-Like Computing and Memory Applications
NM01—Moire Superlattices in 2D Materials
NM02—Nanotubes, Graphene and Related Nanostructures
NM03—Colloidal Quantum Dots for Emerging Technologies
NM04—2D MXenes—Synthesis, Properties and Applications
NM05—Challenges and Opportunities in Solution Synthesis of Functional Nanomaterials
NM07—Mixed Dimensional Heterostructures—From Synthesis to Application
SB01—Responsive Nanomaterials for Theranostics and Tissue Engineering
SB02—Lignocellulose Materials and Beyond—From Fundamental Explorations to Advanced Applications
SB03—Materials and Designs for 3D Bioelectronic Interfaces
SB04—Bioelectricity in Microbial-Based Living Materials
SB05—Emergent Order and Mesoscale Structure Formation in Soft Condensed Matter
SB07—Magnetic Materials for Soft Robotics and Nanorobotics
SB09—Hydrogel Technologies for Humans and Machines
SB10—New E-Textile Materials and Devices for Wearable Electronics
SB11—Engineering Biomaterials with Synthetic Biology
SB12—Novel Soft Materials and Systems for Artificial Skin, Soft Robotics and Haptics
SF01—Smart Functions of Stimuli-Responsive Materials
SF02—Materials for Extreme Conditions
SF03—Plasma Technologies for Emerging Materials Science and Applications
SF05—Harnessing Functional Defects for Energy and Electronic Frontiers
SF06—Defect and Disorder-Driven Material Transport Properties and Functionalities
SF07—Frontiers of Intermetallics Science for Structural and Functional Materials Design
Meeting Chairs
Northwestern University
California Institute of Technology
University of Oxford
University of California, Berkeley
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Developing Countries Engagement
To better serve students and professionals from all technical and economic sectors of the worldwide materials community, those individuals working or studying in developing countries are eligible for special reduced rates in the featured MRS programs.