December 1 - 6, 2024
Boston, Massachusetts
Symposium Supporters
2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit

Structural Properties of InSe Thin Films Grown on GaAs(111)B and Si(111)

When and Where

Dec 6, 2024
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Hynes, Level 2, Room 207



Maria Hilse1,Derrick Shao Heng Liu1,Justin Rodriguez1,Jennifer Gray1,Jinyuan Yao1,Shaoqing Ding1,Andrew Lupini2,Mo Li3,Joshua Young3,Ying Liu1,Joan Redwing1,Roman Engel-Herbert4

The Pennsylvania State University1,Oak Ridge National Laboratory2,New Jersey Institute of Technology3,Paul-Drude-Instit für Festkörperelektronik4


Maria Hilse1,Derrick Shao Heng Liu1,Justin Rodriguez1,Jennifer Gray1,Jinyuan Yao1,Shaoqing Ding1,Andrew Lupini2,Mo Li3,Joshua Young3,Ying Liu1,Joan Redwing1,Roman Engel-Herbert4

The Pennsylvania State University1,Oak Ridge National Laboratory2,New Jersey Institute of Technology3,Paul-Drude-Instit für Festkörperelektronik4
Urgent societal and environmental needs have sparked searches for high-mobility 2D layered materials with sizeable bandgap and decent stability under ambient conditions for potential use in ultra-low power, ultra-high performance field effect transistors. With a reported carrier mobility exceeding 1000 cm2/Vs at room temperature, small electron effective mass, flat electronic band dispersions, excellent optoelectronic properties, possible ferroelectric properties and a close-to-ideal solar spectrum matched bulk bandgap of 1.26 eV, InSe shows high potential for future use in electronics. Due to the van der Waals layered nature, and the many members of different polytypes and polymorphs in the InSe materials family, intriguing confinement phenomena and exotic electron-hole coupling mechanisms tunable by the number of single layers add to the potential wealth of properties in InSe.
In the presented study, InSe thin films were grown by MBE on GaAs(111)B and Si(111). The presence of many InSe phases and polytypes required a systematic and careful mapping of the growth parameters to identify conditions for single-phase, single-polytype, and single-crystal growth. Through structural characterization in- and ex-situ using reflection high-energy electron and X-ray diffraction, growth conditions for solely gamma-phase, crystalline InSe films were found. Although the structural properties of the films presented nearly unchanged over a small window of growth conditions, the film morphology was seen to sensitively depend on the Se:In flux ratio. Raman spectroscopy confirmed the phase and polytype assignment deduced from large-area structural characterization.
Microstructure analysis, however, revealed a high degree of structural defects in the films. Nano-scale domains of varying single layer stacking sequences, high-angle rotational domains as well as single layers of unusual bonding configuration resulting in a novel InSe polymorph were found in the films. The total number of defects and the general locations of the new polymorph varied in films across GaAs and Si. The highest structural homogeneity was found for InSe films grown on Si.
Density functional theory calculations for a representative selection of the experimentally observed defects confirmed that most defects, including the novel polymorph have formation energies at or below the thermal budget of the MBE synthesis process. Although the bandgaps of all InSe polytypes and polymorphs possess comparable values, large differences were found in their relative offsets. Due to the random distribution of polytypes and polymorphs in the film, our study suggests a high degree of electronic disorder in these films. Electrical transport showed a variable-range hopping-like behavior supporting the hypothesis of electronic disorder.


2D materials | molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)

Symposium Organizers

Andras Kis, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Li Lain-Jong, University of Hong Kong
Ying Wang, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Hanyu Zhu, Rice University

Session Chairs

Yi Cui

In this Session