MRS Meetings and Events


NM02.04.15 2022 MRS Fall Meeting

Growth and Morphology Evolution of Plasma-Synthesized Few-Layer Graphene

When and Where

Nov 28, 2022
8:00pm - 10:00pm

Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Claudia-F. Lopez Camara1,Paolo Fortugno1,Hartmut Wiggers1

Universität Duisburg-Essen1


Claudia-F. Lopez Camara1,Paolo Fortugno1,Hartmut Wiggers1

Universität Duisburg-Essen1
Graphene flakes are an attractive material due to their unique properties, making them promising to use for a wide variety of applications. Examples of these applications are using them as additives (to alter electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties of other materials e.g., polymer composites) or to improve the electrochemical performance in supercapacitors and batteries. However, these applications require industrial mass-production quantities of graphene powder, which are still challenging to achieve. To overcome the current batch-to-batch drawbacks from the commonly-used exfoliation processes for mass-production of graphene powder, substrate-free gas-phase plasma synthesis has emerged during the last years as an effective method to continuously synthesize freestanding few-layer graphene (FLG). This technique has the advantage to operate in a continuous mode and the potential to be scalable. During the plasma synthesis, a hydrocarbon precursor is pyrolyzed within a high-temperature plasma region. Downstream of this region, the gaseous carbon species nucleate and form FLG, leading to carbon yields as high as 10 wt%.<br/><br/>This work examines the evolution of growth and morphology of few-layer graphene (FLG) synthesized in a microwave-plasma reactor. Aerosol particles were sampled and characterized from various positions downstream of the plasma zone by spatially-resolved thermophoretic sampling and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman spectroscopy, and BET surface area analysis (BET-SSA).<br/><br/>The initial carbon nucleation has been found to commence close to the plasma zone (at less than 12.4 cm downstream from the plasma nozzle) and at a temperature of ≥ 2500 °C. The initially formed flakes show an increasing level of crumpling with increasing distance downstream from the plasma zone. From the TEM images of samples collected at different heights above the plasma nozzle, we observed a growth and self-folding pattern for FLG, providing a hypothesis for their formation from single- to few-layer graphene when the materials are carried downstream the plasma region. This hypothesis consists of the creation of one-layer ovalene-shaped graphene flakes that self-folds from the sides and crumples while it continues to grow, creating wrinkled FLG flakes as these move further away from the plasma nozzle.


graphene | nucleation & growth

Symposium Organizers

Yoke Khin Yap, Michigan Technological University
Tanja Kallio, Aalto University
Shunsuke Sakurai, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Ming Zheng, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Symposium Support

Nanoscale Horizons

Session Chairs

Tanja Kallio
Shunsuke Sakurai
Yoke Khin Yap
Ming Zheng

In this Session

Magnetic Field Alignment of Fe3O4 Functionalized Boron Nitride Nanotubes for Polymer Nanocomposites

Tuning Dielectric Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites by Orientation Control of 2-Dimensional Fillers

Acetylene Chain Length Dependence of the Elastic Properties of Graphynes

Nanostructured High Voltage Insulation

Additive Manufacturing of Carbon Nanotube-Filled Thermosetting Resins Via Direct Ink Writing and Radio Frequency Heating and Curing

Laponite Nanodisks as Platform for Water Purification

Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Flakes Grown Synchronously in the Confined 2D Nanospace of a Layered Silicate

Synthesis and Characterization of Protein-Derived Graphene Aerogels

3D Graphene Based Architectures for Environmental Applications

Ternary Transition Metal Chalcogenide Nb2Pd3Se8—A New Candidate of One-Dimensional van der Waals materials for Field-Effect Transistor with Its Controlled Doping Characteristic

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