MRS Meetings and Events


EN03.03.21 2022 MRS Fall Meeting

Study of Vanadium Oxides at Different Oxygen Flows Prepared by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering and its Evaluation as Cathodes for Lithium Batteries

When and Where

Nov 28, 2022
8:00pm - 10:00pm

Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Mackarena Briceño1,Juan Fernández1,Dario Zambrano1,Marcos Flores1,Rodrigo Espinoza1

Universidad de Chile1


Mackarena Briceño1,Juan Fernández1,Dario Zambrano1,Marcos Flores1,Rodrigo Espinoza1

Universidad de Chile1
Vanadium pentoxide has intrinsic properties which allow it to obtain electrothermal and thermochemical stability [1]. One of the manufacturing techniques that allow obtaining low thicknesses, homogeneity, and control of the microstructure, is the reactive sputtering magnetron process which also allows to generate different stoichiometries of vanadium oxides and specifically V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> [1, 2]. The formation of different vanadium oxides mainly depends on the oxygen content of the system [3]. The aim of this work is the study of the effect of oxygen on argon plasma during the process of reactive sputtering and the further influence on the electrochemical performance as electrode. The samples were prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering using different oxygen flows and deposited over stainless steel at room temperature. The target was metallic vanadium, while the plasma was argon (15 sccm) combined with oxygen at 1.25, 1.75, 2.25, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.25 sccm. The deposition process was monitored by optical emission spectroscopy (OES), and the samples were characterized by XRD, EDS, Raman confocal spectroscopy, XPS and AFM. In the study of plasma at a constant power of 150W, the OES spectrum exhibited the emission lines of vanadium (458 nm), oxygen (777 nm) and argon (811 nm), showing that the intensity of the V and Ar lines decrease with the increase of oxygen. XRD results demonstrated that the samples were amorphous for all the different oxygen flows. Raman analysis indicated for the sample deposited at 3 sccm, the presence of the V-O-V bonding corresponding to a crystalline structure of the rhombohedral type of V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>, by the vibrational stretching modes (143 cm<sup>-1</sup>), and of the V=O bonding by the second flexion vibrational band (995 cm<sup>-1</sup>). XPS established a correlation between the oxygen flow and the main V oxidation state: V<sup>+4</sup> at 1.25 O-flow, V<sup>+4</sup>/V<sup>+3</sup> at 1.75 O-flow and V<sup>+5</sup> over 2.5 O-flow. A capacity of 280 mAh/g at 1C is observed in the sample with higher oxygen flow in contrast to the samples with lower oxygen flow.<br/><br/><b>References</b><br/>[1] M. Panagopoulou <i>et al</i>., The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, <b>121</b>(1), 70–79(2016).<br/>[2] D. Wruck, S. Ramamurthi <i>et al</i>., Thin Solid Films, <b>182</b>(1-2), 79–86(1989).<br/>[3] L.-J. Meng, R.A. Silva <i>et al</i>., Thin Solid Films, <b>515</b>(1), 195–200(2006).


sputtering | thin film | V

Symposium Organizers

Haegyeom Kim, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Raphaële Clement, University of California
Shyue Ping Ong, University of California, San Diego
Yan Eric Wang, Samsung Research America

Symposium Support

Nissan North America, Inc.
SK on Co., Ltd.

Materials Horizons

Session Chairs

Haegyum Kim
Weiyang Li

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Fully 3D Printed Aqueous Zinc Ion Batteries for Wearable Electronic Devices

Particle Size and Crystal Structure Engineering of λ-MnO2 Particles as Cathodes for Zinc-Ion Batteries

Investigation of the Electrochemistry and Functional Properties of Zn/ Manganese Oxide Rechargeable Aqueous Batteries

Sodium Vanadium Oxide (NVO) Material Properties—Impact on Electrochemistry and Functional Properties in Zn-Ion Aqueous Batteries

Ultrasmall ZnMn2O4 Cathodes for High-Energy and High-Power Aqueous Zinc-Ion Secondary Batteries

A Theoretical Investigation of Vanadium-Based Cathodes in Magnesium-Ion Battery

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