MRS Meetings and Events


CH01.15.01 2023 MRS Spring Meeting

Towards a Realistic Modelling of Electrified Interfaces the Nanoscale

When and Where

Apr 26, 2023
8:00am - 8:30am




Clotilde Cucinotta1

Imperial College London1


Clotilde Cucinotta1

Imperial College London1
In this talk I will introduce some issues connected with the simulation of electrified<br/>interfaces at the nanoscale focusing on simulating the effect of an applied potential to an electrochemical (EC) cell, using realistic models for the charged electrode electrolyte interface. I will present some recent progress in the simulation of the double layer of the fundamental Pt-water interface and its response to changes of potential applied to the cell [1]; this is obtained applying a general ab initio electrode-charging approach we developed. If time allows, I will illustrate how combining knowledge from molecular electronics and DFT based methodologies to simulate atomic dynamics could lead to a more sophisticated description of EC phenomena.


nanostructure | operando

Symposium Organizers

Rosa Arrigo, University of Salford
Qiong Cai, University of Surrey
Akihiro Kushima, University of Central Florida
Junjie Niu, University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee

Symposium Support

Gamry Instruments
IOP Publishing
Protochips Inc
Thermo Fisher Scientific

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature