MRS Board Leadership

MRS Board of Directors Applications Coming Soon

MRS will be accepting applications for positions on the Board of Directors in 2025. If you are passionate about cultivating a professional society committed to engaging members across generations to advance their careers and promote materials research and innovation, we invite you to apply.

2024-2025 MRS Candidate Leadership Guide

The MRS Candidate Leadership Guide provides details about the responsibilities, expectations, and time commitment, as well as the competencies, experience, and expertise we are seeking in our Board members. Individuals who possess the competencies, experience, and expertise identified in the guide are highly encouraged to apply.

Application Form

All applicants for the Board of Directors and Officer roles must submit a complete application. An on-line application portal will be launched in mid-year 2025.  In the interim, you may contact us via email at [email protected] to express your interest in serving.

Per the MRS Bylaws, to be considered for a position on the MRS Board of Directors, you must be an MRS member in good standing. Those who apply but are not a current member will be contacted by MRS Staff to reconcile their membership status before their application is considered.

Application coming soon!

If you have a question that is not answered on our FAQ page, please contact Kris Uher, Staff Liaison to Talent Development Committee, for more information or to submit a question.

Board of Directors

The MRS Board of Directors is composed of elected officers and directors. Directors are elected for three-year terms with one third of the board changing each year. The president-elect serves three years (as president-elect, president and past president); the secretary is elected for a three-year term; and the treasurer is appointed by the Board for a three-year term.. Members of the Board may serve on the Board’s committees (Executive, Finance and Audit, Governance, Talent Development), Board task forces or other ad hoc efforts commissioned by the Board.

Click here to view the current MRS Board of Directors.