Student awards are given annually by the Electronic Materials Committee members for the best oral presentations and the best poster at the Electronic Materials Conference. Student papers and posters are judged on both scientific content and presentation at the conference. Best Student Oral Presentation Awards and Poster Award are funded by the TMS Foundation. The Best Student Oral Presentation Awards are presented during the following year’s award ceremony which precedes the Plenary Session. The Best Student Poster Award is presented at the current conference and announced at the following year’s award ceremony which precedes the Plenary Session.
View our Student Award Winners
To ensure that your abstract is judged, check that “(Student)” is noted in the beginning of your abstract title.
You must attend and present at the conference in order to be eligible.
To ensure that your abstract is judged, check that “(Student)” is noted in the beginning of your abstract title.
You must attend the EMC Poster Session on Wednesday evening from 6:00 – 8:00 pm to present your poster and answer any questions in order to be eligible for the award.