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Advancing Materials.  Improving the quality of life.

Founded in 1973, and headquartered in Warrendale, Pennsylvania, The Materials Research Society is a growing, vibrant member-driven organization of over 13,000 members. It includes people from over 90 countries around the world.  Our Members come from academia, national laboratories and industry, and their work touches on many fields, including chemistry, biology, physics and engineering. They have skills and expertise that range from technical and organizational, to advocacy and education.  And they bring diverse backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, talents, gifts and cultures to our community. 

Our goal, as a Society, is to embrace, cultivate and capitalize on that diversity, and use it as a resource for a dynamic and vibrant future.  Together, we advance the MRS mission… to advance materials… and to improve the quality of life.

If you are looking for a way to expand your professional network, enhance your leadership skills, or shape the future of our materials community, then we invite you to get involved.  Join or volunteer today!

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature


MRS Mission Statement

The Materials Research Society (MRS) is an organization of materials researchers worldwide that promotes communication for the advancement of interdisciplinary materials research and technology to improve the quality of life.

MRS Vision Statement

The Materials Research Society will build a dynamic, interactive, global community of materials researchers to advance technical excellence by providing a framework in which the materials disciplines can convene, collaborate, integrate and advocate.



Founded in 1973 to promote interdisciplinary goal-oriented basic research on materials of technological importance, the society is now 13,500 members strong—and includes regular, student, retired and unemployed membership options.


MRS Logo

The Materials Research Society (MRS) was established in 1973 by a visionary group of scientists who shared the belief that their professional interests were broader in scope than existing single-discipline societies and that a new interdisciplinary organization was needed.

The Materials Research Society is governed by a Board of Directors, composed of the Officers of the Society and 12 to 21 directors. All members of the board, except the president, serve on one of four Board Committees.
Exhibit at an MRS Fall Meeting

Extensive promotional opportunities are available for you to build a comprehensive marketing plan for the materials community.

MRS Headquarters

MRS is member-run and member-driven, and there is always a need for new volunteers of varying skills and interests.

Press Room

MRS in the News is a collection of media coverage about MRS meetings, publications, membership, events and more. Learn more about the exciting things happening with MRS and our members!
 Woman speaking at a press conference

Our goal is to provide members of the media with news and information for dissemination to the scientific community and general public toward fostering appreciation for and understanding of the contributions and importance of materials research and development.

Social Media

Connect with MRS members as well as the broader materials community via the following social media applications.