Programs & Outreach

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature


Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN) Alliance

Two attendees talk at the mentoring breakfastMRS is proud to be a part of the Inclusive Graduate Education Network (IGEN) Alliance, which aims to increase the participation of Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Minorities (UREM) in graduate studies, including the field of materials science and engineering. 

MRS is collaborating with programs developed by IGEN Alliance organizations and new initiatives developed by the IGEN Alliance striving to increase the number of PhD's awarded to UREM students.

These programs include sharing of best practices for inclusive graduate education to faculty and administrators, as well as UREM student-focused programs enabling student access to:

  • A professional academic support and faculty network that is committed to increasing diversity in graduate education
  • Invaluable research experiences, professional development and mentoring opportunities, and the possibility to attend workshops and conferences
  • Connections to a network of multi- and inter-disciplinary program peers with similar or shared experiences


In addition to MRS, professional societies participating in the IGEN Alliance include:

For more information about the program or to get involved, please contact us here »