2021 MRS Spring Meeting

Meeting Events Schedule


2021 MRS Communications Lecture
Sossina M. Haile spoke on Untangling the Surface Chemistry and Reactivity of Ceria, based on her published paper in MRS Communications, Volume 10, Issue 4 (DOI: doi.org/10-1557/mrc.2020.73).

Meet MRS Award Recipients—Lightning Talks and Panel Discussion
This event included brief talks and a live panel session that featured award recipients: Innovation in Materials Characterization Award, Mid-Career Researcher Award, Outstanding Early-Career Investigator Award, MRS Postdoctoral Awards.

Exhibitor Workshops

Capturing Mechanical Properties of Cells and Materials via Nanoindentation | Optics11 Life Inc.
Nanoindentation is a powerful method to assay the viscoelastic and poroelastic behavior of soft and biological samples, including 3D cell culture. In this workshop, we discussed how this label free method can be used as a biomarker for physiological and pathological models. Speaker: Maid Klapuh, Optics11 Life

Nanomechanical Characterization using PinPointTM for Atomic Force Microscopy Applications | Park Systems
Why use PinPointTM Nanomechanical mode? PinPointTM is an advanced imaging mode developed by Park Systems, that acquires high-resolution topography and F/D data at each pixel of the entire scan area. Speaker:  Armando Melgarejo, Park Systems Inc.

Advanced Direct Detection EELS | Gatan
Direct detection (DD) cameras dramatically improve resolution, reduce noise and operate in single electron counting mode, even for low signal research. Examine these advantages for advanced applications, such as low-dose spectrum imaging, trace element analysis and time-resolved EELS.

Advances in D8™ X-ray Diffraction Systems with the New EIGER2 R 250K Detector | Bruker

This educational workshop highlighted advantages and techniques for running various sample types on D8 diffractometers equipped with the new EIGER2 R 250K detector. Speaker: Brian Jones, Bruker AXS

Stela Camera: Hybrid-pixel Electron Detector with GMS for Advanced Electron Diffraction Studies | Gatan

Gatan's latest camera, the Stela™, is the only fully integrated hybrid-pixel electron detector with the Gatan Microscopy Suite® (GMS) software for advanced electron diffraction studies. This workshop highlighted the advantages of using this detector for different types of 4D STEM applications.

Photoluminescene Characterisation of Perovskite Semiconductors | Edinburgh Instruments Ltd.

The characterisation of perovskite semiconductors for photovoltaic and optoelectronic applications with steady-state and transient PL spectroscopy was presented using the Edinburgh Instruments FLS1000 Photoluminescence Spectrometer. Speakers:  Samantha Redes and Stuart Thomson, Edinburgh Instruments Ltd.

Professional Development

How to Network—What to Say, Write and Do to Build Virtual Collaborations
Everyone tells you to “network” but what exactly is “networking” and how do you do it? For the first time ever, we walked you through EXACTLY how to network—what language to use and when, how to find people from afar and how to optimize the MRS meeting platform to build meaningful connections!

Facilitated Networking Snack Chat—All of Your Networking Questions Answered!
Got networking and career questions? This session provided a safe space to connect with others, get all your networking questions answered and move your career forward!

Green Cards for Scientific Researchers—How to Win your Eb-1/N1W Case!

Everything you need to know to understand the U.S. immigration system and maximize your chances of winning a green card from Brian Getson, Esq.

Women in Materials Science & Engineering Keynote Presentation—Perspectives and Take-Aways from the Global Pandemic
A keynote virtual event featured panelists: Mmantsae Diale (South Africa), Sandra Young (U.S. Military, Japan), Joanne Etheridge (Australia), Payel Chatterjee (Norway), and Rebecca Anthony (Moderator/USA).


Plenary Session Featuring The Fred Kavli Distinguished Lectureship in Materials Science
Paul Alivisatos
, University of California, Berkeley, presented Recent Advances in the Study of Colloidal Nanocrystals Enabled by In Situ Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy.

Symposium X—Frontiers of Materials Research
Nick Rowe, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, presented Tropical Rain-Forest Plants: A Source of Bio-Inspired New Materials, New Technologies and New Concepts.
Symposium X—Frontiers of Materials Research
Yi Cui
, Stanford University, presented Nanotechnology for Sustainability.
Symposium X—Frontiers of Materials Research
Iuliana P. Radu, imec, presented How New and old Materials Research and Know-How Extend the Increase in Computation Power.

Captain America's Shield, Spiderman's Web and the Future of Materials Science and Engineering

In this presentation, we learned of the rich history of materials science from comic books, movies and science fiction, and discussed the newest scientific breakthroughs in research that make materials stronger, lighter, smarter.

How Materials Shaped Us
In this talk, materials scientist and science writer Ainissa Ramirez discussed how simple materials and everyday inventions had a hand in shaping language, politics and even our bodies.

Town Hall—Volunteer Opportunities and Pathways to Leadership

Engage with MRS Volunteers to learn more about the Society’s programs, volunteer opportunities and pathways to leadership. This session was facilitated with questions submitted in advance or live during the session.

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature


Symposium Support