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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Broadening Participation in Materials Science


The MRS DEI Aspiration reflects our commitment for a welcoming environment in which our members can advance our field with their research and innovations.  Building from the our Core Value of being egalitarian and inclusive, MRS Diversifying Materials programs provide educational, networking, and career opportunities for people who are currently underrepresented in the materials community.

Below are a variety of the Society's initiatives and activities which are designed to promote diversity and inclusion.

Diversity Statement

The Materials Research Society recognizes that diversity drives innovation, excellence and new discoveries. We charge our membership and leadership to engage all demographic groups worldwide in advancing science and technology to improve the quality of life. 

DEI Aspiration

The Materials Research Society embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) by actively engaging our diverse global membership, supporting the careers of underrepresented researchers, and investing in community actions to address bias and end inequities.

Racism, Discrimination and Inequality Statement

The Materials Research Society is deeply saddened and disturbed by recent events that have brought to light the dangers of systemic racism, discrimination, and inequality, especially as they pertain to people of color. All scientists, and all people, should be able to live their lives and pursue their livelihood inside safe environments that welcome a myriad of perspectives and reject violence as a solution.

The Materials Research Society is dedicated to promoting diversity, egalitarianism, and inclusivity for all people, regardless of race, gender, orientation, or affiliation.  We believe that bias and intolerance are not only unethical, but weaken our social fabric.  We firmly believe that diversity strengthens the scientific enterprise and society as a whole.  As an organization, we stand with those who promote inclusivity and seek to enable all of us to make valued contributions to improving everyday life for everyone.



Is your company interested in participating in MRS' Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives? Learn more about our Corporate Partners program »


Thank you to our MRS Diversifying Materials Corporate Partner:

American Elements



















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