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MRS Nelson "Buck" Robinson Science and Technology Award for Renewable Energy

 Materials Research Society Foundation Logo

The MRS Nelson "Buck" Robinson Science and Technology Award for Renewable Energy recognizes a student (bachelor’s, master’s or PhD),  postdoc or other early-career professional through five years following the highest degree attained for the development of novel sustainable solutions for the realization of renewable sources of energy.

The annual award consists of a $5,000 honorarium. Meeting registration fee (which includes an annual MRS membership), reasonable travel and hotel expenses to attend the Materials Research Society Fall Meeting at which the award is presented will be reimbursed.

MRS acknowledges the generosity of Sophie Robinson for endowing this award in memory of her father, Nelson "Buck" Robinson.

Submission Deadline is May 1, 2024


The annual award consists of a $5,000 honorarium. The Meeting registration fee (which includes an annual MRS membership), reasonable travel and hotel expenses to attend the Materials Research Society Fall Meeting at which the award is presented will be reimbursed.

Application Information

Rules and eligibility, application package requirements and more are available here.