III-V semiconductors (with cation as Al/Ga/In, and anion as N/P/As/Sb) while traditionally explored for electronic and photonic devices, have not seen much development for energy conversion technologies apart from multijunction photovoltaic stacks. Due to their superior light absorption, charge transfer, bandgap energy tunability, epitaxial crystal relationships, and single crystal nanoscale growth properties, this materials system offers promise within integration in a variety of energy conversion technologies. This includes photovoltaics, solar-to-fuels systems, thermophotovoltaics, and betavoltaics. Therefore, an emerging nexus of materials growth, device development, and systems engineering around III-V semiconductors for these energy conversion applications has the potential to shape these technologies in the present and future, and form a research core of utilizing these materials in novel ways to support development for a variety of energy conversion systems. This symposium will bring together researchers in III-V materials growth, materials characterization, device design, systems applications, and broader overviews in renewable energy and resource utilization with these materials.