MRS Meetings and Events


EL14.02.07 2023 MRS Spring Meeting

In-Loop X-Ray Phase Fraction and Structure Analysis for High-Rate Closed-Loop Autonomous Experimentation

When and Where

Apr 10, 2023
4:15pm - 4:30pm

Moscone West, Level 3, Room 3014



Ming-Chiang Chang1,Sebastian Ament1,Duncan Sutherland1,Maximilian Amsler1,Lan Zhou2,John Gregoire2,Carla Gomes1,R. Bruce van Dover1,Michael Thompson1

Cornell University1,California Institute of Technology2


Ming-Chiang Chang1,Sebastian Ament1,Duncan Sutherland1,Maximilian Amsler1,Lan Zhou2,John Gregoire2,Carla Gomes1,R. Bruce van Dover1,Michael Thompson1

Cornell University1,California Institute of Technology2
Recent advances in autonomous closed-loop experimentation have created new opportunities in high-throughput material discovery research. However, quantitative phase and phase fraction identification from x-ray scattering at speeds commensurate with synchrotron-based measurements remains challenging and limits full exploitation of autonomous searches. To address this challenge, we have developed a probabilistically quantitative, multi-phase labeling algorithm that provides in-loop full structural information for AI agents controlling high-throughput autonomous experiments; data include quantitative lattice strains, peak broadening and grain size effects, and probability estimates for likely multi-phase combinations. In conjunction with non-equilibrium laser spike annealing of compositional libraries to explore composition and processing spaces, we demonstrate the ability of the autonomous agents to utilize the additional data from x-ray scattering to implement a two-stage objective function, switching between <i>exploration</i> and <i>exploitation</i> modes based on uncertainty of the whole material processing space with structurally labeled phase fields. By providing in-loop data at rates commensurate with the laser spike annealing and synchrotron measurements, we allow active learning AI agents to explore the phase space efficiently and to identify optimal conditions to synthesize high phase-purity structures. With further design of targeted acquisition functions and incorporating additional property measurements, we expect to extend this method for on-the-fly modeling of structure-property relationships and enable practical multi-objective optimization.


autonomous research

Symposium Organizers

Udo Bach, Monash University
T. Jesper Jacobsson, Nankai University
Jonathan Scragg, Uppsala Univ
Eva Unger, Lund University

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature