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Proposed Change to Article III of the MRS Bylaws

The 2021 MRS Governance Committee was charged by the Board to review the term for the MRS Treasurer.  According to current MRS Bylaws, the MRS Treasurer is appointed by the Board for an initial one-year term, and may serve two additional years with Board approval.  The Treasurer can serve an additional three years, but he/she must again be in a one-year term, then two-year term.  

The Governance Committee proposed, and the Board concurred, that the term for the Treasurer should be three years like all other MRS Officers.  Per MRS Bylaws, this change requires a membership vote by ballot.

As such, the MRS Board recommends to the MRS membership an amendment to Article III of the MRS Bylaws to state that the MRS Treasurer be appointed to a three-year term as shown below:

Article III—Governance of the Society, Section 3 (Proposed)
The Officers of the Society shall be a President, a Vice President (who is also the president-elect), a Secretary, a Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President. The Vice President shall serve sequential one-year terms as Vice President, President, and Immediate Past President; the Secretary shall serve a three-year term; the Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board for a  three-year term. (Each Officer of the Society shall be an MRS Member.)

The Board of Directors approved the recommendation via an email vote on June 16, 2021.

Board Motion
2021:09 – Moved that the Board of Directors recommend to the MRS membership a vote by ballot procedure for an amendment to Article III of the MRS Bylaws to state that the MRS Treasurer be appointed to a three-year term. Moved by Dawnielle Farrar-Gaines. Email Vote. June 16, 2021. 19 in favor; 0 opposed; 2 not voting.  Motion carried.