About MRS

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature



MRS Members are highly encouraged to participate in the election of MRS officers and board members. Elections are typically held in the third quarter of each calendar year, and officers and board members begin their terms on January 1 of the following year. 

The MRS Board of Directors is the highest governing body of the Materials Research Society, responsible for establishing policy, monitoring progress of the society toward its long-term goals and setting the strategic directions for the major activities of the society, including its meetings, publications, interactions with government agencies and cooperative efforts with other professional societies throughout the world.

The Board is composed of four elected Officers (president, immediate past president, vice president and secretary), and between 12 to 21 Directors, established by Board resolution. A fifth Officer (treasurer) is appointed by the Board for a three-year term.

Takao Someya

Takao Someya

2024 MRS President

2024 Election Results

MRS is pleased to announce the Vice President/President Elect and new Board Members for 2025, elected by the Society's global membership of nearly 13,000. 

Congratulations to our newly elected Vice President and Board Members!

MRS would like to thank its Membership for participating in the 2024 election. Your engagement helps shape the future of the Society and materials research as a whole.

2025 Vice President



Young-Chang Joo

Young-Chang Joo
Seoul National University



Newly Elected Board of Directors Members

Derya Baran

Derya Baran
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Lane Martin

Lane W. Martin
Rice University

Izabela Szlufarska

Izabela Szlufarska
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Ashley White

Ashley White
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory