MRS Meetings and Events


DS04.08.08 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Battery Lifetime Predictions: Information Leakage from Biased Training

When and Where

Nov 29, 2023
11:15am - 11:30am

Sheraton, Second Floor, Back Bay B



Alexis Geslin1,2,Bruis van Vlijmen1,2,Xiao Cui1,2,Arjun Bhargava3,Patrick Asinger4,Richard Braatz4,William C. Chueh1,2

Stanford University1,SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory2,Toyota Research Institute3,Massachusetts Institute of Technology4


Alexis Geslin1,2,Bruis van Vlijmen1,2,Xiao Cui1,2,Arjun Bhargava3,Patrick Asinger4,Richard Braatz4,William C. Chueh1,2

Stanford University1,SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory2,Toyota Research Institute3,Massachusetts Institute of Technology4
Data-driven models are being developed to predict battery lifetime because of their ability to capture complex aging phenomena. In this work, we demonstrate that it is critical to consider the use cases when developing prediction models. Specifically, model features need to be classified to differentiate whether or not they encode cycling conditions, which are sometimes used to artificially increase the diversity in battery lifetime. Many use cases require the prediction of cell-to-cell variability between identically cycled cells, such as production quality control. Developing models for such prediction tasks thus requires features that are blind to cycling conditions. Using the dataset published by Severson et al. in 2019 as an example, we show that features encoding cycling conditions boost model accuracy because they predict the protocol-to-protocol variability. However, models based on these features are less transferable when deployed on identically cycled cells. Our analysis underscores the concept of using the right features for the right prediction task. We encourage researchers to consider the usage scenarios they are developing models for, and whether or not to include features encoding cycling conditions in order to avoid data leakage. Equally important, benchmarking model performance should be carried out between models developed for the same use case

Symposium Organizers

Andrew Detor, GE Research
Jason Hattrick-Simpers, University of Toronto
Yangang Liang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Doris Segets, University of Duisburg-Essen

Symposium Support


Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature