MRS Meetings and Events


EL11.07/EL14.10.01 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Two-Inch High Quality Diamond Heteroepitaxial Growth on Sapphire

When and Where

Nov 29, 2023
10:00am - 10:30am

Hynes, Level 2, Room 210



Seong-Woo Kim1

Orbray Co, Ltd1


Seong-Woo Kim1

Orbray Co, Ltd1
Diamond semiconductors, owing to their superior properties compared to SiC and GaN, can be used to develop high-end applications, such as power devices, high frequency devices, quantum devices, and sensors. However, the inch-scaled diamond wafer is essential. In this study, Two-inch-diameter high-quality diamond (001) layers were grown on sapphire (11-20) A-plane misoriented substrate. Step-flow growth in diamond is realized thanks to misoriented substrate, and releases tensile strain in diamond layer. Consequently, even if microneedle technique<sup> [1]</sup> is not used, without breakage, diamond layer naturally was delaminated from the sapphire substrate. The FWHM of (004) and (311) X-ray rocking curves of the diamond layer grown on sapphire substrate misoriented by 7° towards [1-100] direction were 75 and 140 arcsec, respectively, the lowest ever.<br/><br/>In this study, results on 3 types of high-end applications will be discussed. One of them is the world largest diamond detector with the dimensions of 20 mm ' 20 mm ' 0.5 mm was fabricated from a 30 mm ' 30 mm heteroepitaxial diamond wafer. The device demonstrated a nuclide discrimination capability for 133Ba, 137Cs and 60Co based on the pulse-height difference. The electrode was used as a cathode to apply -500 V bias voltage. The anode on another side was connected to a charge sensitive preamplifier. The anode was maintained at ground potential. The output signal from the preamplifier was acquired with a digitizer. A digital trapezoidal filter was applied to the waveforms to obtain pulse height spectra.<br/><br/>[1] S.-W. Kim et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 202102 (2020).



Symposium Organizers

Philippe Bergonzo, Seki Diamond Systems
Chia-Liang Cheng, National Dong Hwa University
David Eon, Institut Neel
Anke Krueger, Stuttgart University

Symposium Support

Great Lakes Crystal Technologies

Element Six

Plasmability, LLC
Qnami AG

Applied Diamond, Inc.
Fraunhofer USA, Inc.

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature