MRS Meetings and Events


EL11.07/EL14.10.04 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

Direct-Bonded Diamond Membrane Heterostructures for Quantum and Electronic Technologies

When and Where

Nov 29, 2023
11:30am - 11:45am

Hynes, Level 2, Room 210



Xinghan Guo1,Mouzhe Xie1,Anchita Addhya1,Avery Linder1,Uri Zvi1,Tanvi Deshmukh1,Yuzi Liu2,Ian Hammock1,Zixi Li1,Clayton DeVault2,1,Amy Butcher1,Aaron Esser-Kahn1,David Awschalom1,2,Nazar Delegan2,1,Peter Maurer1,2,F. Joseph Heremans2,1,Alexander High1,2

The University of Chicago1,Argonne National Laboratory2


Xinghan Guo1,Mouzhe Xie1,Anchita Addhya1,Avery Linder1,Uri Zvi1,Tanvi Deshmukh1,Yuzi Liu2,Ian Hammock1,Zixi Li1,Clayton DeVault2,1,Amy Butcher1,Aaron Esser-Kahn1,David Awschalom1,2,Nazar Delegan2,1,Peter Maurer1,2,F. Joseph Heremans2,1,Alexander High1,2

The University of Chicago1,Argonne National Laboratory2
Diamond has unique material properties well suited for a broad range of quantum and electronic technologies. However, heterogeneous integration of diamond with other materials remains a challenge, mainly due to limited heteroepitaxial growth of single-crystal diamond. Here, we discuss a directly bonded single-crystal diamond membrane technique that enables a wide variety of materials integration, including bonding diamond to silicon, fused silica, sapphire, thermal oxides, and lithium niobate. Our direct bonding process combines diamond overgrowth, membrane transfer, and dry surface functionalization, resulting in minimal contamination for high yield and scalable integration. We have demonstrated direct-bonded diamond membranes with thicknesses as thin as 10 nm, and observe a sub-nanometer interfacial region. We demonstrate the use case for integrating these direct-bonded membranes for high-quality nano-photonics, and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy applications. The demonstrated process provides a key advance in the necessary toolkit needed to realize heterogeneous diamond-based hybrid systems for quantum and electronic technologies.<br/><br/>* The authors acknowledge funding from DOE QNEXT, NSF AM-2240399, NSF OMA-1936118, NSF OMA-2121044, NSF OMA-2016136, and NSF DMR-2011854.



Symposium Organizers

Philippe Bergonzo, Seki Diamond Systems
Chia-Liang Cheng, National Dong Hwa University
David Eon, Institut Neel
Anke Krueger, Stuttgart University

Symposium Support

Great Lakes Crystal Technologies

Element Six

Plasmability, LLC
Qnami AG

Applied Diamond, Inc.
Fraunhofer USA, Inc.

Publishing Alliance

MRS publishes with Springer Nature