MRS Meetings and Events


EL07.09.02 2023 MRS Fall Meeting

A Study of Transport and Optical Properties of Liquid Nitrogen-Assisted Deposition of Titanium Oxynitride Thin Films

When and Where

Nov 29, 2023
8:00pm - 10:00pm

Hynes, Level 1, Hall A



Abiodun Odusanya1,Dhananjay Kumar1,Valentin Craciun1

North Carolina A&T State University1


Abiodun Odusanya1,Dhananjay Kumar1,Valentin Craciun1

North Carolina A&T State University1
This study presents a method to prevent an undesirable oxygenation process that occurs during the deposition of Ti-N thin films using the pulsed laser deposition technique. Nitrogen gas at various pressures from 0 mTorr to 50 mTorr was utilized during deposition and the oxygenation process occured because of the presence of residual oxygen in the deposition chamber or oxygen impurities in the N<sub>2</sub> gas used during the film deposition. The method involves using a metal trap kept at liquid nitrogen temperature to condense the residual/impurity oxygen, which helps control the oxygenation process and results in desired transport and optical properties of the Ti-N-O thin films. The optical, electrical, and stoichiometric properties of the films depend on their N/O ratio. Direct band gap transition was observed in the material, and we also take note of other important properties like stacking faults, texture coefficient, Urbach energy, dielectric constants, optical conductivity, refractive index, extinction coefficient, and skin depth. The x-ray diffraction measurements show a reduction in the intensity and shift of the (111) and (222) TiNO peaks to higher angles with increasing nitrogen pressure during growth. The study also found that increasing the deposition N<sub>2</sub> pressure of the TiNO thin films resulted in increased metallicity of the films as indicated by the reduction in bandgap from 2.64 eV to 1.70 eV, however, an increase in resistivity from 133 µΩcm to 3177 µΩcm was observed due to increase in surface scattering induced by increase in dislocation density.<br/><br/><br/>This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, NSF-PREM through MRSEC [grant No. DMR-2122067].



Symposium Organizers

Gabriela Borin Barin, Empa
Shengxi Huang, Rice University
Yuxuan Cosmi Lin, TSMC Technology Inc
Lain-Jong Li, The University of Hong Kong

Symposium Support

Montana Instruments

Oxford Instruments WITec
Raith America, Inc.

Session Chairs

Gabriela Borin Barin
Yuxuan Cosmi Lin

In this Session

Large-Area, Pulsed Laser Deposition of MoS2/a-BN Heterostructures for Back-Gate Field Effect Transistors Applications

A Study of Transport and Optical Properties of Liquid Nitrogen-Assisted Deposition of Titanium Oxynitride Thin Films

High-Performance Electromechanical Power Generation of Lithography-Free Large-Scale MoS2 Monolayer Film Harvesters

An Investigation of Lithium and Cobalt Intercalation Method in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

Effect of Hot-Wire Oxidization and Sulfur Annealing on Layered p-MoS2 for TFT Application

Photoelectrochemical Polymerization (PEP) of EDOT for Formation of Pattered PEDOT at Specific Arbitrary Regions on Hematite (α-Fe2O3)

Spatially Resolved and In Situ Electrochemical Imaging on Two-Dimensional Materials using Scanning ElectroChemical Cell Microscopy (SECCM)

Nanowire-Based Sensor Platform for Breath Analysis

Sensitive Microwave Spectroscopy of Van der Waals Materials with Coplanar Waveguides

Ultratrace PFAS Detection using Amplifying Fluorescent Polymers

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